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Thanks to Equinor’s excellent team for giving🇳🇴Embassy an update on status for the planned LNG project. Hoping the negations with Government is moving forward. When realized this will be a game changer for Tanzania in terms of income and jobs
Joint Statement by European Union Heads of Mission, the British High Commission, the Canadian High Commission, and the Embassies of Norway and Switzerland on Recent Events in Tanzania
3 ways to strengthen #FoodSecurity in Least Developed Countries: ➡️ Keep trade open and remove distortions in int'l agricultural trade ➡️ Find a solution to public stockholding ➡️ Build capacity and resilience in domestic food production #DevMatters 👇
“More than politics or the pandemic, it is food scarcity that will bring people out into the streets, which is likely to make the next few months unstable ones.” @axios Hunger is on the rise. Couldn’t agree more. @GAINalliance @FoodSystems…
What does food security mean on 320mm of rainfall? Even here @ConservationAg can make a difference - with sorghum, millet and cowpeas. Resilience work with @WFP @CIMMYT @USAID_SAfrica in Masvingo and Mwenezi
Now happening in #Lusaka. Opening of the Regional @ConservationAg Dialogue meeting. Honoured by the Minister of Agriculture, Zambia, Hon Michael Katombo, this important meeting is now opened. This meeting is on how we improve on scaling! @odar @cimmyt @noradno @ACTillage @FAO
Let us recognise the tremendous investment and impact that The Royal Norwegian Government had in mainstreaming @ConservationAg in Africa! @odar @cimmyt @FAO @FAOKnowledge Thank you for this continued support! @DevelopmentFund
Bompengeprotesten til FrP i Oslo idag. Kanskje behov for å nyansere #dagsrevyen litt, NRK?
Finally UK farmers have seen the light! 'It's a groundswell': the farmers fighting to save the Earth's soil…
Pussig? «Olje for Utvikling handler ikke først og fremst om olje, men om godt styresett. Det går på anti-korrupsjon, på åpenhet, ansvarliggjøring og slike ting, i tillegg til det rent tekniske». Likevel: «Man holdt seg unna det politiske» i Nicaragua:…
One of the biggest concern of development aid is the failure to concentrate on productive rather than consumptive aspects of economic activity
Vi måste engagera oss i Amazonas Framtid. Bolosonaro utgör ett oacceptabelt hot mot ett system vars stabilitet påverkar våra möjligheter till social och ekonomisk utveckling i Sverige…
Og dette notatet utforsker hva som kunne ha skjedd dersom vi hadde tenkt grundig om effektivitet ("ROI") rundt bistandens hovedmål: Avskaffe fattigdom.…
Trist, men ikke oppsiktsvekkende....
Dette er et #statsbudsjett som ikke tar tak i sultproblemet. Vi setter et plaster på et brukket bein med dette:… #klima #matproduksjon #bistand @Utenriksdept @bistandsaktuelt
As the Global Financing Facility (GFF) gears up for its first replenishment next month, there are warnings that by making poor countries take up World Bank loans, the ambitious health scheme could lead to increased indebtedness.
Hei og takk for konstruktiv kritikk. Det gikk litt fort i morges med vår dekning av statsbudsjettet. Vår dekning er nå oppdatert.
Anbefaler @HildeFrafjordJ og @CaritasNorge på @nrknyheter i dag om sult og klimaendringer. Klimatilpasning handler om liv og død for småbønder i fattige land. Det ser vi hver dag i vårt arbeid. Dette må få større prioritet. Vi er med på dugnaden! #Arendalsuka @nikolaiastrup
Tax and transfer systems reduce inequality in the rich world, but often exacerbate poverty in the poorest countries. Learn more from @charlesjkenny @JustinSandefur
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