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Mine are Alfatihah:5 and Al-Baqarah:152 😊

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Cant believe my October could be this worst. Trying to survive and keep up my so called mental health whilst knowing about Liam Payne's passed away and now I have to accept the truth having a VP who has lower GPA than me.....but he won.....at least he is now a VP. Deym! 😭😭😭😭

Kalo mertua gua lg ngeselin aja, gua udh bacot bgt ama lakik gue. Kok bisa si Egeriginaga meneng bae??? 😭😭

BJIRRR ngapan tiap w nonton bola jadi kalah sih. Bodo dikata pick me. Sedih w 😭😭😭😭

Ci, ci, beli baju mulu lu, kek masih semangat ae kerja 😮‍💨

Ritual tiap taun. Update CV....tapi gatau kapan tembusnya. Ya Allah tunjukkan jalanMu. Genap 6 tahun hamba menantinyaaa. 😂🥲😂🥲

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Bawa duit sejuta udh kaga bisa lg foya2 di tiptop. Beneran cuma ngambil kebutuhan bulanan. Kaga ada gua ngambil ciki2an. Gilaakk inflasi is rrreallll 🥲

Mbappe umur 23, 2x final world cup, 1x world cup champion. Ici umur 23, ngejar2 KRL biar kaga telat ngantor 🥲

Mbappe bukan orang dah 😒

Jd inget dulu hampir ditakol helm half face sm dibogem ama mantan. Itu udh red flag dan gue malah ketawa2. Tp seriusan emg laki abusive itu pasti manipulatif. Gblk emg dulu. Alhamdulillah dah pinter skrg 😭🙏

Saking ude demot. Kalo ada org yg bilang gue pinter tuh beneran apa hinaan sih? Wkwkwk 🤣💩

Dulu gue pernah mikir. Enak yaa kalo udh nikah. Slain lu punya duit gaji sndiri trs lu dpt nafkah jg dr suami. Tp ternyata salah gesss, itu malah gak enakkk wkwk, krn lu kudu ngatur itu smua, cukup gak cukuppp. Dah. Sekian bacotan senin pagiku 🤣🤲

Finally, covid is knocking my door. Baru kmrn bu bos nanya. Syp yg blm kena kopit. I raise my hand said me and my family loudly without realizing that there is a lil bit arrogant inside my heart. Dear Allah, pls forgive my arrogance. 😭🙏

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Ngeliat pengumuman SBMPTN merinding. Inget 13thn yg lalu, gagal di 7 ujian masuk Univ negeri. Baru yg ke 8 berhasil lolos 🥲👍

Grup kantor masih bunyi jam segini. Benar2 melayani dengan sepenuh hati....🥲👍

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🇵🇭🇮🇩 To all our fans in the Philippines and Indonesia we are thrilled to announce that we will be playing shows in Manila and Jakarta early next year! Tickets for Manila go on sale on 4/6 and this Saturday 28/5. We hope to see you all there dancing along with us ✨💛

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Gue kira cobaan senen pagi cm sekedar parpum jo malone yg ogut sayang2 makenya tiba2 dipecahin bocil. Taunya abis itu msh ada bederetttt 🤣🥲🤲

Busyeett Anne Hathaway cakep battt 🥲 kaga pernah kena macet di gembrong pasti nih si anne

Jeremy Strong and Anne Hathaway at the #Cannes2022 premiere of ‘Armageddon Time’

Jam segini emak mertua msh masak...gatau masak apaan. Mau ke wc takut disuruh bantuin. Ngakak wkwkwk 🤣

Jabatan apaan ya di kantor yg bisa bebas dr suruhan booking tempat bukber? 😮‍💨😌🥲


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