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Niclas Reposted

VM på DR👏 Shorts i studiet🤦‍♂️ #vmdk

Niclas Reposted

I gave the FBI the crucial documents that triggered yesterday's arrests. There will be more to come. Blatter is a target.

Joachim Boldsen som fodboldreporter på 3+ sammenligner stemningen i Nicosia med en håndboldhal. Får vidst ikke set AaB's kamp på tv i aften

Niclas Reposted

My nigga Klose

Niclas Reposted

Lidt større glæde end når manu vinder

Niclas Reposted

$32M for 36 minutes. I'm waiting for the PPV numbers to come in so I can make another $38M on the back-end. Making it a grand total of $70M.

Niclas Reposted

Little update: We are s***!!!

Niclas Reposted

In December: Messi Ronaldo and Ribery = 0 goals Bendtner = 1 goal #BendtnerForBalldondor

Niclas Reposted

Tobakslobbyen har belejret EU-Parl hele året med gaver. Har takket nej til alt. Min stemme skal ikke påvirkes. #dkpol

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Niclas Reposted

Dila Gori over AaB. Kazan over Randers. Leningrad over Farum. Polen over Danmark. Warszawapagten4life.

Niclas Reposted

Finally my little pig arrived! She is only 2 month old! Is a she but i called her SUPER! ;-)

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Niclas Reposted

North Korea beat South in inter-Korean football game. Final score 2-1, DPRK win.

Niclas Reposted

Første dag i nyt job. Pressechef i YouSee --> pressechef i TDC. Kan man ikke få datteren, må man tage moderen. :-)

Niclas Reposted

@drp3: #PressenPåP3: "Jeg lytter til alt for dårlig radio. Hvad kan jeg gøre?" Sluk for @TonyScottDK og #PressenPåP3 #RadioPræsterne

Niclas Reposted

En polak med russerpose og to indbrud i supermarkeder. Læs mere om døgnets begivenheder her: #politidk

Niclas Reposted

@srooney88: @AndyLittle29 some ones retweeted you into my timeline Eh who exactly are u ?” << The guy on the left

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Niclas Reposted

For vildt. Syng, Helmig, syng: "Så godnat, Malaga".


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