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الاخصائية جيهان فورايفر


‏اخصائية تغذية علاجية اعمل لدى شركة فورايفر الامريكية كل ما يخص البشرة والدايت ومشاكل اخرى..تواصل واتساب👇 +970598292806

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Another manner in islam is controlling your hands and tongue. How do you solve alterations that have unwittingly or even purposely cropped up? The best way is to control your body

Behaving graciously is another aspect of Islam that every muslim should strive to accomplish why living. A muslim should be ever ready to sacrifice self and wealth for the sake of almighty Allah. We should not let status and high ambition demolish our love of God.

If a Muslim has to break unpleasant news of a tragic accident or death of a relative, break the news in such a way as to lessen its impact and make it as gentle as possible.

Do you know? That both Alcohol and pork are forbidden in Islam, as alcohol is considered to be an agent to further evil, pork is an unclean animal/meat.

Do you know? That Islam grants women many rights in the home and in society.

Prophet Mohammad could see behind him as he could see ahead of him, he could also see in darkness as he could see in light, his perspiration always had a strong fragrance similar to kastori musk which is rare and is rated as the most fragrant and most expensive in the world.

Do you know? That there are five pillars in Islam if practice there will be a just society? These are shahadah (testimony of faith), solat(prayer/worship), zakat(alms giving), fasting and pilgrimage.

The holy book (Quran) was not reveal to Prophet Mohammad in Makkah alone, the revelation spanned through years and was revealed to him both at Makkah and while in medina. That is why you can see Makkiyah and Madaniyah in the header of every Quran to indicate where it was revealed

The real certainty about Qur'an truthfulness is evident in the confidence prevalent throughout it; and this confidence comes from a different approach - "Exhausting the alternatives." Qur'an states, "This book is a divine revelation; if you do not believe that, then what is it?"

The prohibition of monasticism and extremeness: Islam is moderate, it does not support extremism neither does it condone negligence.

Do you know? That Jihad in islam means to struggle for the course of Allah and not the killing fiesta that some interpreted it to be.

Unlawful possession of another’s property is evil in Islam and every evil lead to hell. Islam forbade unlawful possession of other people’s properties, either such person is minor or an adult

The whole concept of monasticism originated in the notion that woman was an inferior type of creation, that was denounced by Islam when it raised woman to a position of spiritual equality with man. It held that man and woman complemented each other.

Do you know? That Muslims believe that, there are members of the world wide Muslims community known as the ummah United by a religious bond.

The true Muslim woman understands the teachings of Islam which strongly urge good treatment of neighbours and give the neighbour such a high status in the scale of human relationships, such as has never been equalled in any other religion.

Islam religion believes that Allah is one but for the welfare of the mankind and to show the right path to the world, He sends his messenger from time to time.

Islam preaches moderation. “The best of all dealings is the one which is moderate.”

Do you know? That Jerusalem is a revered city by all three of the great monotheistic faiths

The holy Quran advocates justice for all mankind, not merely for this or that class, tribe or nation. It does not for example, like Nazism and other cults, stir up the passions of prejudice to attract people.

Many Skin colors. One Ummah. No Racism in Islam. Islam does not segregate; it sees every muslim irrespective of race, skin colour or background, rich or poor. They are seen as equal and must be treated the same. This reflected in all the pillars of the religion.


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