nategunc's profile picture. Christian, Husband, Father, Director of Operations @capcommchurch

Nate Gilmore


Christian, Husband, Father, Director of Operations @capcommchurch

Joined December 2009
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Nate Gilmore Reposted

The imputation of the righteousness of Christ is our only hope.

truth_unashamed's tweet image. The imputation of the righteousness of Christ is our only hope.

Standing for the truth may cost you in this life, but you will be rewarded in heaven for doing so. (Matt. 5:11-12)

Anyone can claim to hold biblical convictions, but true convictions are proven and strengthened by having the courage to stand for them in the face of persecution.

I place a high value on loyalty. Over the past two years, however, I've switched churches, jobs, and schooling for my kids. These changes were made because the Lord commands my ultimate loyalty. Organizations can change and drift. God never changes. Mal 3:6, Heb 13:8, Isa 40:8

I recently finished reading The Loveliest Place by @DustinBenge Dustin paints a beautiful picture of the church throughout the book.

nategunc's tweet image. I recently finished reading The Loveliest Place by @DustinBenge. Dustin paints a beautiful picture of the church throughout the book.

Nate Gilmore Reposted

“Emotional blackmail says, ‘If I feel hurt by you, you are guilty.’ There is no defense. The hurt person has become God. His emotion has become judge and jury. Truth does not matter. All that matters is the sovereign suffering of the aggrieved.” - John Piper

Nate Gilmore Reposted

Excited to announce my book, The Honor of God, is coming out later this year. This book really serves as an introduction to God-centered Christianity. Much of my theology and life experience, up to this point, went into writing it. As someone who was discipled by R. C. Sproul…

grcastleberry's tweet image. Excited to announce my book, The Honor of God, is coming out later this year. This book really serves as an introduction to God-centered Christianity. Much of my theology and life experience, up to this point, went into writing it. 

As someone who was discipled by R. C. Sproul…

The Bible's definition of love and the world's definition of love are not the same. "But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." -Romans 5:8

nategunc's tweet image. The Bible's definition of love and the world's definition of love are not the same. 

"But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." -Romans 5:8

Thank you @jaredhmoore for this thorough look at Sprinkle's teaching through the lens of church history. I had to leave my previous church two years ago after Sprinkle's damaging teaching was promoted.

Here’s the 20,000 word article where I prove that Preston Sprinkle is a heretic according to church history.… Sprinkle blasphemously claims that same-sex attraction “includes a virtuous desire to be intimate—in the David and Jonathan, or Jesus and John…

.@JohnPiper on Isaiah 25:1, "you have done wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful and sure."

nategunc's tweet image. .@JohnPiper on Isaiah 25:1, "you have done wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful and sure."

False teachers often call for nuance on issues where Scripture has spoken clearly. This follows after a pattern first seen in the garden, "did God actually say?"

Nate Gilmore Reposted

C.S. Lewis's "Evolutionary Hymn," performed by Hannah Gilmore

Truth and love should not be held in tension. They should work together in harmony. "Speaking the truth in love" Eph 4:15 "Love does not rejoice in wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth" 1 Cor 13:6 "Let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth" 1 Pet 1:22

These training videos are neither compassionate nor faithful. 1 Cor. 13:6.

A Sample of Cru's "Compassionate and Faithful" LGBTQ+ Teachings:


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