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if you wanna play, let's play. it's a fair game! ;-)

org yg hobinya mikir negatif, gak akan pernah sadar sama orang yg tulus peduli sama dia. yen aku bener, njuk ngopo?

i stand behind the screen. watching how the plays presented. i see them from the inside *kedipkedipcantik

Ada banyak kuis dan games seru di @ktravelfair #KTravelFair2015

Asyik neh, bs maen games seru di @ktravelfair #KTravelFair2015

i have found my True Love. That's why i am choose to be single. i life only for HIM.

Liat performance endah resha di Inspi Rasa Kompas #HBDKompas #kompas50th @kompasklasika

#HBDKompas rame neh board game di Plaza Selatan GBK #kompas50th thx @KompasKlasika

Yuk, yg lari di GBK n @kompasklasika mari merapat ke Inspi Rasa #kompas50th

knp qta tidak bisa memutar waktu n mmperbaiki kesalahan masa lalu? sederhana saja, Tuhan tidak ingin qta mengacaukan rencanaNYa

people maybe ask, why i rare to smile? i will answer, because i more to think than smile

pak @ysianip . sya copywriter Harian Kompas. sya ingin interview ttg IPA by phone. mohon mberi kabar segera, pak. terima kasih.

aneh, tapi pengen lagu Kau Seputih Melati-Sammy Simorangkir jadi lagu pas pemakaman saya. hehehe

#HBDMaybelline #Maybelline100 gw suka pake maybelline clear smooth all in one krn praktis bgt, cocok bwt gw yg mobile http://t.co/nhNHGVem3a

Tweet Image 1

yes, i am cheap. yes, i am worthless. yes, i am not clever. but u'll never know when this dumped stone changed to be main-greatest stone

bagaimana cara mengontrol "mata"? everysoul seems like naked :-P

semua yang aku jual laku loh. tapi aku? laku? *meringis

dunia ini riuh sangat. saya ingin terbenam dalam sunyi sejenak.

HE said that i'm not yet bright. HE asked me to glows, brought the light. So, HE will happy


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