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mohd nur fitri


i`m awesomeeeeeee because i`m NUR FITRI from Royal Military College

Joined February 2013
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MLM INI hogoh Pahang hogoh VS gomo Klate gomo

9 days to go..............NDUM

Let bygone be bygone

mohd nur fitri Reposted

not enough information person that makes post about their current situation but doesn't want to talk about it when you ask them

mohd nur fitri Reposted

menghitung hari bersama keluarga dan rakan. chewahh ayat. haha

mohd nur fitri Reposted

Don't let your ears hear what your eyes didn't see, and don't let your mouth say what your heart doesn't feel.

Keep smile and smile Because a smile can make life become better EVEN BETTERS #keepsmiling

Thinking carefully http://t.co/RMxO8JKAad

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selamat hari raya walaupon dh msok rayew ke-5 dh oii

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