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'the objective of skill is to make dream fact' https://t.co/pHGen9k6z1

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We might be on borrowed time at the moment. #DowJones #DJIA $DJIA Some notable occurrences mapped to the trend channel #fintwit

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youtu.be/zJeUHAYVA80?si… #darkpatterns terrible to see a company that has monopoly effects harm the foundations that allow them to profit.

meltedlaughter Reposted

The Indian Rupee has been the canary in the coal mine for global crises— Here's what it's doing now India's rupee just fell to a record low and it has nothing to do with interest rates. The Indian rupee has been intricately linked to everything Euro$ in the 21st century,…

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That's a hot dance.

Thursday’s X9 #SolarFlare was captured by the NASA IRIS mission! IRIS observes the Sun with much higher resolution than the flare images you typically see, but over a small region. It can also observe the flare core without saturating the images! #astronomy #spaceweather

meltedlaughter Reposted

STEREO-A was impacted by the shock wave and subsequently heated plasma at Sat 2024 Oct 5 19:43 UT, total field peaked at 21.5 nT - arrival at Earth should happen in the next few hours. If southward fields are present an intense storm roughly ~ -100 nT Dst could be possible.

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meltedlaughter Reposted

Finally some signs of life in the low-energy particles after we saw impact at STEREO A earlier today. Hopefully it’s not another fake out like the X7.1 CME 🤞🏻

Protons showing signs of erratic behavior after a long period of stagnation signal the approach of the X9 CME. When? In time.

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Very unfortunately true. Between cyber and miniaturisation, this will bring a lot of storms in the future safely

The fact that solar energy systems, household appliances and random phone shops are blowing up in Beirut suggests that today's operation affected the entire supply of lithium batteries, not just "Hezbollah radios". Type of terrorist attack that gets prevented in movies.

meltedlaughter Reposted

This is starting to feel like a bit of that control I was hoping for (full-screen it) 😍 Made the base animation and scene in Dreams on my PS5, turned it real with Runway Gen3 video to video. The combination is incredibly powerful.. I honestly can't imagine anything as…

meltedlaughter Reposted

Introducing $WANDER The Token of Tomorrow, for the Wanderers of Today. To get started, claim your galaxy below 👇

6 months to a year from now. Will be wild. Emotionally we aren't prepared for this.

This entire clip was produced by AI from the “actors” to the voices and the visuals. This is the “one person” AI newsroom in a prompt. In a year you will have this on your computer with no need of an internet connection. Buckle up…

meltedlaughter Reposted

From sketch to highly detailed render to 3d with Gaussian Splats in UE5. I'll describe the workflow below. #3d #ai

That's a hot dance

Introducing the world's best AI presentation generator, created by @pitch Read on to hear what we built, why we built it and what are our future plans! Check it out:

meltedlaughter Reposted

Introducing the world's best AI presentation generator, created by @pitch Read on to hear what we built, why we built it and what are our future plans! Check it out:

The exponential effects are kicking in. Only a severance of compute power (issue with Taiwan in a 2-3 year timeframe for example) can stop this convergence of new levels.

a lot of people can't believe this is an AR render. here's a side by side of a more difficult scene - this time with real time lighting, shadows, and diffraction through simulated amber:

The workflow just makes it seem so intuitive

And just like that, the world of 3d graphics changed again. #3d #madeindreams #ai

meltedlaughter Reposted

🕹️ The way of creating anything in real time with LCM-LoRA technology is so natural that it's here to stay. That's for sure! 💡 This is just a quick test I did using Krea to build an RPG dungeon. Imagine creating a video game in REAL TIME!

meltedlaughter Reposted

I never would have guessed that @tailwindcss would end up being the universal UI communication format with AI but it makes so much sense. All of the styling information about an element is colocated with the element and it is very concise.

meltedlaughter Reposted

new research: We compare controller vs hand VR input and quantify performance & physical exertion. for raycast input, controllers ⬆️ agency ⬇️ exertion ⬆️ speed ⬆️ tracing accuracy for direct input, hands ⬆️⚡ arm movement ⬆️⚡ arm lift ⬆️⚡ exertion but ⬆️ preference @CSatETH

meltedlaughter Reposted

Should we build this?

Inspired by the @tldraw demo me and @mishakarpenko did a little experiment of turning sketches into slides. WDYT, should we build this @Pitch?


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