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Mayur Ramanuj


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भारत सरकार की एक-एक योजना गरीब कल्याण के लिए समर्पित है...

Mayur Ramanuj Reposted

क्या क़सूर था 16 साल की गुड़िया का जो उसे इस तरह सड़क पर बेरहमी से मार दिया गया ? दिल्ली में किसी को पुलिस और क़ानून का डर नहीं है। यदि आज कुछ नहीं किया गया तो दरिंदगी की सारी हदें पार होती रहेंगी।

આપના જીવનમાં સદ્ભાવ , શાંતિ , સંપત્તિ , સંતતિ તથા સુખનો વાસ રહે અને જીવનમાં સંતાપ, શોક, દુઃખ તથા દીનતાનો વિનાશ થાય અને બધાના હૃદયમાં સંતોષ, ભક્તિ તથા કરુણા ઉત્પન્ન થાય અને આ દિવાળી આપ સૌ માટે સર્વ શુભ ફળ આપનારી બને તેવી ભગવાનના ચરણોમાં પ્રાર્થના. HAPPY DIWALI

सद्भावशान्तिसुखसंपत्तिसंततिर्स्यात् , सन्तापशोकदु:खदैन्यविनाशयुक्तम् । सन्तोषभक्तिकरुणा हृदि सर्वलोके दीपोत्सवो भवतु सर्वशुभप्रदो व: ।।

Mayur Ramanuj Reposted

योग: कर्मसु कौशलम् #YogaWithIndiaPost #IDY2022 #yoga #Ayush #AmritMahotsav

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What a fantastic @realcryptowire Launching india very first index of crypto good work team cryptowire.page.link/qDQT #IC15CryptoIndex

Mayur Ramanuj Reposted

Voice of @TheKanikakapoor and dance of @SunnyLeone, #MadhubanSunnyLeone has everything that makes a chartbuster. bit.ly/SRGM_Madhuban

Mayur Ramanuj Reposted

In solidarity with our neighboring country. No amount of words can describe the heart-wrenching situation in #Afghanistan. Hope the new regime will protect human rights and the world stands by people who need refuge. #PrayForAfghanistan

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Mayur Ramanuj Reposted

पहले तो लोगों के लिए पाँच चीजें छोड़ना मुश्किल था: काम , क्रोध, लोभ, मोह और अहंकार . आजकल इसमें पाँच और जुड़ गये हैं : Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube और WhatsApp. मुश्किल दुगुनी हो गई

Mayur Ramanuj Reposted

अलीगढ़ का नाम होगा हरीगढ़, प्रस्ताव पास कर उत्तर प्रदेश शासन को भेज दिया गया है

The first look of the most happening business destination in ahmedabad. NOW ROCK IN #StratumByVenus

Now Gujaratis deserve at that time what a fentastic event Then , This is the business hub that the progressive business community of Gujarat deserves. #StratumByVenus

Every Gujarati has an entrepreneurial mind. Every Gujarati deserves to stay ahmedabad and make someting big #StratumByVenus

Plz note it and follow the task Dear doctors of India, please accept this small token of appreciation from venus-group. VENUS NAMAN @SonuSood youtu.be/OV8Ra7broGA

This anthem is truly like god to recognize the efforts made by our doctors and thank them. VENUS NAMAN @MoHFW_GUJARAT youtu.be/OV8Ra7broGA

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