may_hmy's profile picture. 9-ball is the name of the game

May Yusof


9-ball is the name of the game

Joined July 2011
May Yusof Reposted

New focus in search for missing Malaysian plane

Ah yes. That feeling again...

Hujan ini sejuk. Hujan ini nyaman. Hujan in melenakan

May Yusof Reposted

The most beautiful of eyes are those that look at only that which is permissible.

:::::Letters to Juliet ::::: *sigh*

Saat yg bahagia dtg skjp saja~

Good days will come

Benteng itu hancur luluh lagi

May Yusof Reposted

Allaah’s plan is better than your dreams.

"Tidak diberikan mereka ilmu melainkan sedikit"

~its impossible to tell a baby not to cry,its impossible...~

Shake it like a poleroid picture~

May Yusof Reposted

'Let your family members know you love them. Tomorrow you may regret not making most of the chance when you had it' -Hussain Kamani

Neng nong neng nong neng

May Yusof Reposted

May the Almighty bless all those who do not yet have children with children who will be the coolness of their eyes. Aamiin

May Yusof Reposted

We won't judge your closeness to the Almighty based on your dress but your choice of dress itself judges your own distance from the Almighty

Who that cowboy casanova?!


United States Trends

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