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Maruf Hossain Rabbi


Maruf Hossain Rabbi Reposted

⚡️Never Forget How They Killed Unarmed Innocent Civilians NEVER FORGET!

Maruf Hossain Rabbi Reposted
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If the caption said its part of Japanese culture or something, the same people in the quotes would be simping hard and talking about how cute it is

Maruf Hossain Rabbi Reposted

In UP, India, police is not allowing Muslim voters to vote - They are not being allowed to vote because Modi fears that they will not vote for his party!

Maruf Hossain Rabbi Reposted

International and local doctors operating in northern Gaza hospitals have found cube-like structures, which are made of tungsten and built into weapons designed to explode and cause maximum damage to the victims.

Maruf Hossain Rabbi Reposted

আমি চাই এই ভিডিওটা প্রত্যেক মুসলিম বোন/মা/চাচী/খালা সবাইকে দেখানো উচিত। ভিডিওটা ভারতের! ভিডিওতে এই ভাই হি'ন্দু ছে'লেদের এক্সপোজ করেন, তিনি প্রমান সহ কিছু ক্লিপ উপাস্থাপন করেন।

Maruf Hossain Rabbi Reposted

Top Japanese journalist says AIPAC and the Jewish Lobby are "what really moves America." This aired on primetime TV.

Maruf Hossain Rabbi Reposted

What a display of propaganda by the Indian media! First, those individuals are not actual @realDonaldTrump supporters, nor were they arrested for the tweet by Trump regarding minority issues. (For the Indian media’s information: recently, there were celebrations in some places…

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Maruf Hossain Rabbi Reposted

প্রথম আলোর শিশির মোড়লের ২০২১ সালের প্রতিবেদন, যার শিরোনাম- "৫০ বছরে দেশে ৭৫ লাখ হিন্দু কমেছে"। এই প্রতিবেদনের সূত্রে সম্প্রতি কুশল বরন চক্রবর্তী 'প্রতি দশকে ১৫ লাখেরও বেশি হিন্দু হারিয়ে যাচ্ছে'— এমন একটি পোস্ট করেছেন। পোস্টটি আরো কপি-পেস্ট হয়েছে, পোস্টগুলোর কমেন্ট অনুযায়ী…

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Maruf Hossain Rabbi Reposted

He realized that he was happy for the wrong team and immediately corrected the situation. 😂😂

We've seen our brothers getting killed, burned in the streets of Bangladesh. We truly can feel the pain but don't know whether the world can or not.

His name was Sha'ban Al-Dalou. A 19-year-old software engineering student at Al-Azhar University of Gaza and a memoriser of Quran. He was burnt alive in a tent after Israel bombed Al-Aqsa Hospital last night. May the image of him burning haunt his killers and their supporters.

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Maruf Hossain Rabbi Reposted


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Maruf Hossain Rabbi Reposted

Israel is burning Palestinian civilians alive in Gaza

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