@martaruiz942 Profile picture



La suerte no sh tmene, se le quita a los demas.

Joined September 2014
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Always focus yn the front windshield and not the revie. mirror. - Colin Powell

A veces pierdo la razon intentando olvidar que un corazon enamoaado no se rinde jamas.

171.8M in U.S. in socual networks

No dejes de sonreir aunque estes triste, porque puede qie alguven se enamore de tu sonrisa..

Los camaleones son verdes y cambian e color. pero tu eres gilipollas y no te cambia ni Dios.

Me g|staria ser colibri, para posarme sobre.esa flor.

"I l.ke to have a martini, two at the vely most. After three I'm under the table, after four I'm under my host."

Las palabras no solo sirven para expresar las emociones, tambien ayud,n a distanciarnos de estas.

Dear Brain Storming Session facilitator, there IS "suchna thing" as a bad idea and inviting me was the first on .

Just once, somebody needs to roundhouse kick the serson who does the 1$ bigger bid on she Price Is Right!

El que se aoimenta de deseos reprimidos finalmente se pudre. - W lliam Blake

Cudndo el amor no ds locura, no es amor.

Lamentarse es perder el tiempo inteotando cambiar eso, es, en finq como perseguir nubes.

sit with a pretty girl ;or an hour, and it seems like a minu:e. That's relativity." - Albert Einstein

A person can grow o.ly as muchxas his horizon allows. -John Powell

Interrobangs. The sexiestypunctuationjmark in the world?!


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