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don't spy on me


[SAPPHIC FRIENSHIP APPLICATION] Name: nai Age: 200 Occupation: bekerja dibawah tekanan dan mahasiswa mabok jurnal😿 Domicile: kdng disna kdng disitu Zodiac: capri baik hati Height: 155 Hobby: watching football, ap aj dh yg pntng seneng😋 Fun fact: gk tw bnyk

[SAPPHIC FRIENSHIP APPLICATION] Name: Age: Occupation: Domicile: Zodiac: Height: Hobby: Fun fact: *insert pic/vid*

wow nnti malem ujian, smoga hari ini ngga lembur😓

nai Reposted

i need a lesbian town with a lesbian president, lesbian doctors, lesbian fire warriors (let's be inclusive guys pls it's almost 2025), lesbian teachers, lesbian scientists and all but maybe enough of the baristas please i beg and all of you bartenders i see you too

nai Reposted

Wasit jancokkkkkk


hubner knpa ga diganti deh, ngeri redcard

marceng lov u syg maaf td meragukanmu😩🥰

hubner knpa ga diganti deh, ngeri redcard

jbjb sm sapik it seru betul bikin gk pusing mikirin kerjaan🤗

nai Reposted

Klo sy pny cwk akn sy pamerkan 24/7

mau post foto dsini tapi knp takut yh

serius emang ada capricorn yg bisa basa basi?

udah kali ya??😞

nai Reposted
Tweet Image 1



jangan serius serius bang jepang 😭

nai Reposted

Gk bisa berkata2 lagi saking sadisnya. Emang dh bener tindakan 71rb perempuan yg childfree. Gk pantas anak lahir di negara ini.

cape bngt ya Tuhan

pngn nyerah tpi blm living together bareng cewe cantik yg mencintaiku

nai Reposted

pernah ga kerja sambil nangis? tt.aboutelse

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