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(Kel) kelana wisnu


An Indonesian based writer, researcher, and investigative journalist. // Views are my own, maybe yours. // [email protected]

Joined October 2011
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Bagaimana hasilnya jika artificial intelligence menganalisis novel pemenang sayembara DKJ selama dua dekade ke belakang? Tulisan terbaru saya "Eksperimen Komputasi Sastra" yg terbit di @Tengara_id mencoba menjawabnya dgn merakit mesin algoritma sendiri. Ini juga menunjukkan bahwa…

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Let's connect on Blue Sky! I've officially left X and Meta platforms. However, I didn't delete my accounts entirely—I just logged out in case I need them for verification purposes in the future @kelanawisnu.bsky.social

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(Kel) kelana wisnu Reposted

Dokumenter investigasi Neraka Perbatasan hasil kolaborasi End Modern Slavery Now! dan Deduktif, mendapat penghargaan "Liputan Investigasi Berbasis Data Terbaik" di Indonesian Data Journalism Awards (IDJA) 2024 dari @IDJ_Network

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(Kel) kelana wisnu Reposted

Terima kasih kepada semua pihak dan kolaborator yang membantu mewujudkan Neraka Perbatasan. Kami masih terus melanjutkan dokumenter ini. Tidak ada yang sepenuhnya merdeka, sampai semua orang terbebas dari perbudakan, perang, dan genosida.

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(Kel) kelana wisnu Reposted

"If modernism was formed by the triangular force-field of a still incompletely industrial economy with aristocratic elites, postmodernism was the product of a pasteurized capitalism in which neither classical aristocracy nor bourgeoisie any longer existed."newleftreview.org/issues/ii149/a…

yuhuuuu. sy juga punya nazar kalau sudah ada rejeki nanti mau kirim ke jaringan perpusjal tetralogi buru. dari dulu, orang-orang selalu minjam ini buat dibaca di tempat

Teman-teman pengurus perpustakaan jalanan atau umum, baik di Jawa maupun di luar Jawa, Shira Media sedang merancang program Jum'at Berkah untuk mengirimkan terbitan secara gratis. Setiap bulan, satu perpustakaan akan dipilih. Jika ada rekomendasi, jangan ragu untuk mention juga.

(Kel) kelana wisnu Reposted

Teman-teman pengurus perpustakaan jalanan atau umum, baik di Jawa maupun di luar Jawa, Shira Media sedang merancang program Jum'at Berkah untuk mengirimkan terbitan secara gratis. Setiap bulan, satu perpustakaan akan dipilih. Jika ada rekomendasi, jangan ragu untuk mention juga.

اِتَّقُوْا دَعْوَةَ الْمَظْلُوْمِ فَإِنَّهَا تُحْمَلُ عَلىَ الْغَمَامِ، يَقُوْلُ اللهُ وَعِزَّتِى وَجَلاَلِى لَأَنْصُرَنَّكَ وَلَوْ بَعْدَ حِيْنٍ

(Kel) kelana wisnu Reposted

The world has not “failed” Gaza, the world is failing Gaza. The slaughter is not over for us to claim the past tense. This is happening in the present & we must treat it as such. This means there’s still urgency & space to change the dynamics.

(Kel) kelana wisnu Reposted

we are talking about someone who co-conspired the massacre 100,000s of people in palestine, refuse to move an inch on it, and people are pretending like she represented some monumental clear-cut choice for anti-racism & women’s freedom what a bizarre country

(Kel) kelana wisnu Reposted

Sudah tayang, sebelum live

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(Kel) kelana wisnu Reposted

Jodie Hare assesses how much of the earliest work on autism, neurodivergence and disability began from a position of prejudice and fear.

(Kel) kelana wisnu Reposted

Deadline extended to Nov. 15 for proposals for the first-ever edited volume dedicated to the work of Sara Ahmed, edited by Claire Lockard and Rachel Silverbloom. They're looking for extended abstracts of articles or briefer abstracts for creative formats philevents.org/event/show/124…

(Kel) kelana wisnu Reposted

Why economists don't see that AJR are *not* historical materialists... Henry Bernstein & Jacques Depelchin on how borgeois theory disguises itself as materialist (from their writing on African history in 1978).

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(Kel) kelana wisnu Reposted

Proud to have edited this incredible collection of essays on Anthropology in a Time of Genocide: On Nakba and Return with Kamala Visweswaran. Part one: culanth.org/fieldsights/se…

(Kel) kelana wisnu Reposted
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(Kel) kelana wisnu Reposted

We have been speaking but you never cared to listen.

(Kel) kelana wisnu Reposted

ketika kita memutuskan ikut advokasi/aktivisme, kita enggak lagi membicarakan mengenai diri kita, ego kita, tapi kita membicarakan mengenai isu yang pengen kita perjuangkan. kritik kamisan date merupakan pengingat supaya kita enggak terlena sama ego pribadi buat memuaskan diri.

I get that the romanticizing part might be annoying. Tapi menurutku, terlepas kencan tanpa tahu soal isu2 yg dibawakan, justru bagus kalau mereka pulang dari Aksi Kamisan dgn kesadaran baru bahwa kasus2 itu terjadi. Bahkan kemauan utk ikut Kamisan pun setidaknya bisa diapresiasi.


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