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hgtp://Greg Kalus



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hgtp://Greg Kalus Reposted

Ich finde ja, dass so viele wie möglich dieses Bild hier tweeten sollten. #Schwachkopf

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hgtp://Greg Kalus Reposted

There's some interesting physics here: this isn't just a beautiful work of art that flies across the water - hydrofoil watercraft use 80-90% LESS energy than a conventional boat, which means you can easily run them at high speeds using zero-emission electric motors and batteries.…

The future is here. @sampritibh @navierboat

GPT-4o is quite impressive but think about what would be possible if @ilyasut and @woj_zaremba joined @HochreiterSepp and @jo_brandstetter Dream team. @QuantumDom came back to Europe so why not Ilya and Wojciech as well...

hgtp://Greg Kalus Reposted

Frau Barbara Ludwig @bludwig4 will es ganz genau wissen. Ihre Anwälte klagen auf die Entfernung dieses Tweets. Frau Ludwig ist der Meinung, dass es ihre Persönlichkeitsrechte verletzt, wenn Sie alle hier die Wahrheit lesen dürfen, nämlich dass sie in erster Instanz wegen ihrer…

Frau Barbara Ludwig, die keine Probleme damit hatte, die Lüge über meinen angeblichen Antisemitismus in der Presse öffentlich zu verbreiten, fühlt sich in ihren Persönlichkeitsrechten angegriffen, weil ich ihre erstinstanzliche Verurteilung öffentlich gemacht habe. Ihre Anwälte…

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hgtp://Greg Kalus Reposted

Frau Barbara Ludwig, die keine Probleme damit hatte, die Lüge über meinen angeblichen Antisemitismus in der Presse öffentlich zu verbreiten, fühlt sich in ihren Persönlichkeitsrechten angegriffen, weil ich ihre erstinstanzliche Verurteilung öffentlich gemacht habe. Ihre Anwälte…

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Etappensieg gegen den Rufmord, den Kath.ch gegen mich verübt hat. In erster Instanz wurde die Redakteurin Barbara Ludwig @bludwig4 zu einer Geldstrafe von 4.800 SFr auf Bewährung verurteilt und ihr die Verfahrenskosten auferlegt. Damit ist klar: Der…

hgtp://Greg Kalus Reposted

Fusion energy is the ultimate power source, but it's a complete zoo of different reactor designs. Here's how each one works, the companies building them, explained in chronological order 🧵 1/N

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hgtp://Greg Kalus Reposted

We’re forging a new partnership with @HadrianSpace to manufacture precision parts for Anduril's systems. Hadrian’s automated, software-first approach is breaking the mold in defense & aerospace manufacturing. #AndurilxHadrian blog.anduril.com/anduril-indust…

hgtp://Greg Kalus Reposted

“The primary reason for the failure of SVB was their choice to invest their customers' deposits in treasury bonds” This point doesn’t get enough attention.

Silicon Valley Bank is the largest bank to fail since the 2008 financial crisis The primary reason for the failure of SVB was their choice to invest their customers' deposits in treasury bonds, which are highly impacted by shifts in interest rates

hgtp://Greg Kalus Reposted

👀 I spy @DeepVentures_ @animocabrands @0xPolygon @gate_io @99Starz_ cooking something up in the Animoca ecosystem maybe? cryptonews.com/news/stz-token…

hgtp://Greg Kalus Reposted

PARTNERSHIP | We're teaming up with @raven_protocol to add #FederatedLearning to Ocean Market via Compute-to-Data. Raven's decentralized algorithms allow cost-efficient training of neural networks. blog.oceanprotocol.com/ocean-protocol…

hgtp://Greg Kalus Reposted

🔥Partnership Announcement 🔥 @raven_protocol is teaming up with @oceanprotocol to bring Federated Learning to Ocean Market via Compute-to-Data. We'll be a Compute Provider and publish a range of algorithms on Ocean Market. Thank you Ocean team! ❤️🌊 medium.com/ravenprotocol/…

The Sketchbook of Wisdom by @safalniveshak is the first book that my wife took away from me during reading it and told me how good it was. She has not heard of Vishal before and she is not into investing.

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I just subscribed to Deep Ventures' Newsletter deepventures.substack.com/?utm_medium=we…

Join me in following this newsletter? 👀 getrevue.co/profile/orange… via @revue

What a great course!

Crazy. Started on @RoamResearch scholarship after being made unemployed by COVID. Used it to build my startup. Hit 2020 goals. Built a Roam course to give back. Today @Conaw promotes it, and @chrisguillebeau rated it "The best by a long shot" #roamcult jamoe.org/roam

I just subscribed to This Week in Avalanche weavax.substack.com/?utm_medium=we…

Do You Struggle With The Quantum Superposition? by @ReactArchitect pyqml.substack.com/p/do-you-strug…

I’ve secured my PGFKs! Check it out here to get yours before they are all sold out, again! polyient.games/pgfk-sale


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