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Jules (they/them)


Psychological researcher of social identity, antisemitism, and online hate speech. Climate justice = social justice. Tweets in English and German.

Joined July 2013
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Jules (they/them) Reposted

Let’s talk about the water situation in the Gaza Strip. Gaza has an underground aquifer. If Gaza was governed in a remotely sane manner, the aquifer would provide enough water for everyone’s needs. But Hamas, being a genocidal terrorist group and all, didn’t effectively manage…

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Jules (they/them) Reposted

Breaking-News-Situationen sind immer auch Situationen, in denen besonders viele Falschinformationen kursieren. Hier eine Aufzählung von Aufnahmen, die fälschlich in Zusammenhang mit Israel oder dem Gazastreifen gebracht werden:

Jules (they/them) Reposted

Ok, stellt euch folgendes vor: Wir befinden uns alle in einem unkontrolliert beschleunigenden Zug mit abgeschlossenem Führerhaus. In ungefähr 200km Entfernung endet die Schiene unausweichlich in einer massiven Stahlbetonwand. Was währenddessen im Zug geschieht: ⬇️

Jules (they/them) Reposted

It takes mammoth courage for an Iranian woman to do this in public. The Iranian regime is deeply homophobic and severely punishes any calls for equal rights for minorities, including LGBTQ+ rights. It routinely kills and jails gay Iranians.

“Women, Life, Freedom”: young person holds up the Pride flag in Iran’s norther city of Amol. The exact date is not clear. #LGBTQ identity and queer love is criminalised in Iran’s Islamic penal code and are punishable with death. #مهسا_امینی #اعتصابات_سراسری

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Jules (they/them) Reposted

Guys, I think when the Mussolini woman says “financial speculators” I don’t think she actually means financial speculators

Jules (they/them) Reposted

Das sollte so oft wie möglich geteilt werden! #GenugIstGenug #TaxTheRich #Ungleichheit

Jules (they/them) Reposted

You cannot “resilience” your way out of systemic oppression, chronic pain/fatigue/illness, or societal barriers.

Jules (they/them) Reposted

I’ve said this before, but ecological politics today isn’t about ‘saving the planet’ or ‘solving the climate crisis’ as we used to be told. It isn’t even about staying within 1.5C of planetary heating. That’s over. It's gone. 1/4

Jules (they/them) Reposted

Wissenschaft vs. Pseudowissenschaft, ein Drama in 7 Akten – Hören wir 👩‍🔬und 🤡 zu, wie sie sich zum Thema Forschung äußern. Hier kommen 7 Erkennungsmerkmale von Pseudowissenschaft, ein 🧵1/9 #teamschience #dontfeedthetroll

Jules (they/them) Reposted

THREAD: How to check if a tweet screenshot is fake? Dozens of fake screnshots of tweets have gone viral in recently. So, here's a simple guide on how one can quickly check if a screenshot of a tweet attributed to an account is genuine or fake before falling for or sharing it.

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Jules (they/them) Reposted

Blame the heat on the fossil fuel fuel industry. Also know that heat waves will get steadily hotter until we end the fossil fuel industry, and however hot we let them make it is how hot it will stay for the rest of your life

Jules (they/them) Reposted

It hasn't been "six months of the War in Ukraine" - it's been 8,5 years. But it's been six months since Russia expanded its war of aggression to include the whole country. So here are some media mistakes and tips for better reporting on Ukraine, which I haven't discussed before:

Link zum Faktencheck zum Thema Energiekrise im Thread:

Menschen sorgen sich, ob sie im Winter in einer kalten Wohnung sitzen und ob sie ihre #Stromkosten noch zahlen können. Diese Ungewissheit und Angst bieten den perfekte Nährboden für Desinformation, falsch interpretierte Statistiken und irreführende Meldungen. (1/3)

Jules (they/them) Reposted

As a non-binary historian of medieval women my real take on non-binary Joan of Arc is that literally any time we prescribe a gender label to someone in the past we are making an assumption that is muddied by modern conceptions of the gender binary.

Jules (they/them) Reposted

Bohemian rhapsody for postdocs: Is this a real job? Or more like a PhD? Caught in short contracts No chance of stability Open your eyes Look up to PIs and see I'm just a postdoc I get no sympathy Because I'm easy come, easy go Stress is high Pay is low

Jules (they/them) Reposted

When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.

Jules (they/them) Reposted

As a wheelchair user, I occasionally find myself going downhill at a speed that can be difficult to control. That’s why, this Disability Pride Month, I’m partnering with the United States of America

Jules (they/them) Reposted

Thread Es ist wieder #DisabilityPrideMonth & zu diesem Anlass gibts jetzt von mir wieder MEINE Rollstuhl-Ettikette, die sehr gern ergänzt werden darf. Es gibt angemessene und unangemessene Arten, mit jemandem, der im Rollstuhl sitzt zu interagieren bzw. umzugehen. Diese zu

Jules (they/them) Reposted

3 central facts of our time are really rather simple to understand, but easily 99.9% of us don't, or don't act as if we do. 1⃣ Climate & ecological crises endanger the possibility of human civilization (simply defined as the ability to feed ourselves) *within* this century.


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