@jsummer551 Profile picture



Hip-Hop Lovin’, Pink Flamingo obsessed, Pilates junkie, Disney Daydreamer, hockey momma!🎤🦩🤸🏼‍♂️🐭🏒👩‍👦

Have to love when social you don’t even use gets hacked 🥴

Uniswap's hack is a financial tragedy. #UniswapExploit

I'm angry, frustrated, and heartbroken after losing my money on #Uniswap protocol. This shouldn't have happened, and I don't know what to do next. #UniswapExploit

I've lost faith in decentralized finance. #Uniswap

Uniswap's hack feels like a cruel joke. 😥 #UniswapExploit

Uniswap's breach is devastating. #UniswapExploit

Losing my savings on Uniswap protocol was a financial disaster that I never thought would happen to me. I'm lost and alone. #UniswapExploit

😩How do I explain to my family that our savings are gone because of a hack on Uniswap protocol? This is a financial nightmare.

#1inchHack The breach on 1inch protocol has left me feeling like I've lost everything. How am I supposed to go on?

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