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Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي


Saudi nerd- neurodivergent TR-AR Translator / Content Creator Marketing-KFUPM Psychology-AYBÜ سوف تلهو بنا الحياة

Joined November 2021
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Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

“What’s the best way to console someone who’s had a bad day? A fascinating new paper by Holly Howe and colleagues suggests that giving a small gift - flowers or a chocolate bar, for instance - is more effective than a sympathetic ear.” stevestewartwilliams.com/p/life-hack-a-…

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Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

آراء العاملين في مهن لها جوانب انسانية (كالطب، علم النفس، علم الاجتماع، القانون، الاعلام وسواها)، التي تتناول جوانب اجتماعية تتعلق مثًلا بالأسرة، والعلاقات بين الجنسين، وأدوار الجنسين في المجتمع الخ، كثير منها لا يعدو كونه آراء شخصية ظنيّة، وإن حاول البعض في هذه المهن أن يُؤطرها…

Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

Meta-analysis: Prolonged sleep is an even greater risk factor for cognitive decline than shortened sleep. sciencedirect.com/science/articl… We conducted meta-analyses to reanalyze the relationship between sleep duration andnthe risk of cognitive decline. Our metaanalyses have shown that…

Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

The Big 5 personality traits strongly predict life satisfaction (r = .8 - one of the largest effects I’ve seen in a psychology paper). stevestewartwilliams.com/p/5-new-findin…

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Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

Düşük kaliteli bir işe girmek, işsiz kalmaya kıyasla sağlığınızı daha kötü etkiliyor ve sizi daha stresli hale getiriyor.

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Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

A meta-analysis of experimental results. Who gets discriminated against on job application call-backs? Basically everyone except for women. And being low in physical attractiveness results in as much discrimination as being a member of an ethnic minority group.

Meta-analysis: Levels of discrimination against different groups in studies where researchers send fake CVs to employers and count the responses. <0% = discrimination against the group in question. Blue = statistically significant. stevestewartwilliams.com/p/who-gets-the…

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Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

Daha zeki insanlar, hangi ideolojiden olursa olsun herkesin ifade özgürlüğüne daha fazla saygı duyuyor. Sebebi ise bilişsel beceriler arttıkça, entelektüel alçak gönüllülüğün (yanlış düşünüyor olabileceğini kabul etmek, fikir değiştirmeye hazır olmak) artması.

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Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

Meta-analysis: People with nice personality traits are less likely to share information on social media. journals.plos.org/plosone/articl… Although many review studies have investigated the correlation between the Big Five personality traits and human behavior, the association between…


انتقل إلى رحمة الله تعالى د. يوسف الصمعان بعد صراع طويل مع المرض. نسأل الله أن يتغمده في رحمته، ويجعل ما أصابه تكفيراً للذنوب ورفعة له في الدرجات، وأسكنه الله جنات الفردوس الأعلى. ستتم الصلاة عليه عصر يوم غدٍ الخميس، 23 من شوال، في مدينة حائل، في جامع برزان، والدفن في مقبرة…

Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

My moms cousin and her family were just FINALLLY able to leave Khartoum. We didn’t even know if they were alive since June of 2023. They said it smells so bad no one can even breathe properly. They say when you look outside you’ll see at least 4 decomposing corpses.

Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

New paper🚨published! Addictions to substances and behaviours (e.g. gambling, social media, video games) can be understood through an evolutionary lens…. 1/12 doi.org/10.1016/j.neub…

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Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

Parenting practices seem to have little or no impact on children's personalities, contrary to some of the best-known theories in psychology. (Longitudinal study; N = 3,880) online.ucpress.edu/collabra/artic…

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Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

This is a psychologist and this is a good example of how psychology as a field is really two different things: 1. The empirical study of the mind and human behavior using the scientific method. 2. Just making things up out of thin air. Just finishing school and then making up…

Unpopular dating opinion: The intense chemistry you feel with someone you just met is a huge red flag. Most likely, they are similar to an early caregiver that neglected you & your subconscious mind is attracted to them to try to fix an old wound

Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

هل المفروض فيه حماية للمستخدمين خاصة الصغار؟ هل من المنطقي اجبار المحلات على قبول البطاقات الائتمانية ورسومها عالية؟ فيه أسئلة كثير حول الموضوع، وناقشتها في بودكاست جديد اسمه "جادي" مختص في مثل هذه المواضع... البودكاست أسبوعي، أناقش أنا و @hadi_fq مواضيع من زاوية اقتصادية

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Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

🚨 INTERESTING: Palestine filmed in 1896.

Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

Around one in four citations in scientific journals misrepresent the cited paper. doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2… "Quotation errors undermine the accumulative basis of scientific knowledge, so it is essential for scientists to be aware of their existence and try to avoid them."

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Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

it’s crazy to me that some ppl are acting like this whole timeline started today and ignoring the fact that palestinians have been oppressed since 1948

Unpopular dating opinion: The intense chemistry you feel with someone you just met is a huge red flag. Most likely, they are similar to an early caregiver that neglected you & your subconscious mind is attracted to them to try to fix an old wound

Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

I am currently having my second bout of covid. Not life threatening but I'm sicker than I've been for many years. For four years billions of people have been hit by this virus. Never minimise the crime of doing those idiotic experiments in Wuhan, which probably caused this.

تركوا ١٧٠٠ محفظة (بعضها فيها فلوس وبعضها لا) وداخلها ارقام وبيانات المالك في ٤٠ دولة وقالوا خلونا نشوف كيف راح يتصرفوا الناس! النتائج مختلفة جدا بين الدول

There was a superb study of honesty around the world in 2019. Leave 17,000 wallets (with contact email) containing various sums of money in 355 cities across 40 countries. Would finders email the owner? The result: rates of honesty vary a LOT.

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Je had an idea جهاد الأماسي Reposted

the more expensive a wedding is the more likely you are to get divorced but number of wedding attendees is associated with lower divorce rates cheap wedding, lots of people

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