@jdoepping Profile picture

Jesper Döpping


Lecturer at Mahidol University International College, focus area management, organizational behavior and theory.

Joined December 2010
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Maybe we need a rethink of our relation to the state of Israel! I acknowledge that we supported the establishment of Israel, however.... did we support the a state of ethnic cleansing?!

“I am personally proud of the holocaust of Gaza, and that 80 years from now, they will tell their grandchildren what the Jews did,” The Israeli Minister of Social Equality.

Below is an amazing thread about "the scandal" by @WSchoonenberg translated Auke Hoekstra! Please read. Læs denne kulturhistoriske baggrund for de forskellige tableau's før folk støtter de mest vanvittige udsagn.

Some are angry about the "anti-Christian depiction of the last supper" at the Olympic Opening ceremony. (@elonmusk and @realDonaldTrump among others) A Dutch art historian explains it's not the last supper but a Dutch painting of the Olympic gods. And I explain what I loved. 🧵

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Jeg er stadig rystet over at et bredt flertal har stemt for en uddannelsesreform der uanset hvilket perspektiv man anlæggr vil gøre os alle fattigere!

Reformer bør som udgangspunkt gøre landet rigere, ikke fattigere. Så hvorfor kan der være flertal for at lave en universitetsreform, der koster 13 mia. kr. årligt? - stadig et godt spørgsmål, som ingen i #dkpol har evnet at svare på #uddpol @DMfagforening borsen.dk/nyheder/opinio…

Take a look, this is an interview from 2002. Brzezinski is a political scientist and US diplomat. His predictions on the Israel-Palestine are still true 22 years later. It is not only Gaza, its also the Westbank.

Watch this from Brzezinski. If it looks like a different America it’s because it was a different America. What a fall

Man kunne få den mistanke at S argumentation før valget alene skulle kradse vælgere hjem, som ikke kan lide akademikere uden skelen til de økonomiske og fremsige konsekvenser.

Har skrevet en artikel om Socialdemokratiets argumentation for at skære pladser på uni. Jeg synes ikke det hænger sammen. piopio.dk/debat-rasmus-s…

Gazans vent anger against Hamas via @FT Worth reading! Not surprisingly Hamas after the rallying around the flag, the support is down to where it was before the war! 2/3 of Gaza wants progress, but they still hate the occupation! on.ft.com/3UaUnQN

Jeg ved ikke om @BirtheLarsenCph fremover bliver inviteret ind på Borgen! Hendes artikel i altinget er spot on. Hun tænker man kunne forbedre arbejdsvilkår & løn i sundhedsområdet, man kan overveje ulighed og at lytte til de unge i deres prioriteringer! altinget.dk/kommunal/artik…

Ups... who would guess the state of Israel and its military could ever mislead the world with false allegations towards UNRWA? theguardian.com/world/2024/apr…

Kender ikke forfatteren men en super artikel, der mere end antyder, at Vad og S tager jøder som gidsler i deres politiske projekt! Et projekt som er ekstremt langt fra det vi ser her i midtbyen af Viborg! atlasmag.dk/samfund/indlan…

Tak for kaffe! Prøv at indsætte jøder, jehovas vidner, indre mission, udenlandsdanskere, folk af blandede ægteskaber, LAer og socialdemokrater ind istedet. Det her er sindelagskontrol af værste skuffe og vil ramme utrolig bredt!

På Facebook kalder @Spolitik udlændingeordfører @Frede_Vad denne tale for sin vigtigste indtil videre som folketingsmedlem. Jeg vil gå endnu længere: Det her er den vigtigste tale, som noget medlem i noget parti har holdt i Folketinget i nyere tid. #dkpol #dkmedier

The State of Isreal has launched a war on humanity. This is almost an exact repeat of what happened in the Warsaw ghetto. Only difference is that IDF learned from the Nazis not the Jews, Tonnes of food is stuck on Gaza’s border ig.ft.com/gaza-aid/ via @ft

What we could do in the green transition! For Denmark it would be a return to real industrial policies. Industrial strategy demands a new deal with the private sector on.ft.com/3xeSKJX via @financialtimes

Fantastisk Podcast centreret om Christophers bog "Our lives in their portfolio..." Det mest interessante er hans introduktion af social reproduktion. DK politik og økonomi lever i en verden uden tid. Lyt engang. rhodes-center-podcast.captivate.fm/episode/how-as…

Måske, det kan overvejes, hvorfor vi I DK generell har mistet viljen Til at tænke og Tage Historien alvorligt på samme måde som Edgar Morin.

Powerful words by 102 years old philosopher Edgar Morin, one of France's most revered intellectual figures, as well as a Jewish WW2 resistant who fought as a lieutenant in De Gaulle's France combattante. Here are his words on Gaza: "I am both astonished…

DK together with Can, Fra, Ger, UK accused Myanmar of genocide in 2023. In DK it was part of a new f. policy. where otricities far away is unacceptable while in Israel worse actions are ok! Op-ed: US doctor who went to Gaza. itisn't war — it's annihilation latimes.com/opinion/story/…

Well Thailand, when the Bangkok smog makes headlines on Danish National news it isn't good! But maybe it is time to start doing the obvious and ban the burning on the sugar fields!! dr.dk/nyheder/senest…

This gathering of pictures with government ministers, a Netanyahu who doesn't want to oppose it is scary! For people who should possess knowledge of the rhetoric of the Kristallnacht and the Ghetto of Warsaw it is insane!

Now in Jerusalem: hundreds of right wing settlers take part in a conference to plan the return to the Gaza Strip

It is not new, but good governance spill into better financial performance. Case in point Nordic waste at the moment. Good governance should be a legal demand from the public in order to obtain and keep the privilege of limited liability! on.ft.com/49czJp1

SVM og deres støtter (bl.a. LA) har argumenteret længe for at Universitetsreform og SU reform skulle forbedre uddannelser. Det skulle de ikke! De skulle financiere skattelettelser etc.. til den generation der allerede har fået mest... deres egen!

Kun en fjerdedel af provenuet fra SU-reformen skal bruges på børn, unge og uddannelse 🤯 Det er så skævt og forkert. Og ikke som forventet. Håber at regeringen kommer på bedre tanker @ChristinaEgelun #dkpol #dkøko #uddpol a4medier.dk/uddannelse/art…

250K Danskere bor ikke i DK langt de fleste højtuddannede og Erhvervsudd. specialister. Mange har børn og samlevere der er født i andre steder. De & udlandske specialister kan ikke arbejde i DK. Er det ikke på tide at der skiftes kurs i udl. politikken? borsen.dk/nyheder/politi…


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