jasammuzej's profile picture. Gradjanska akcija za Zemaljski muzej BiH/Civil action for the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ja Sam Muzej


Gradjanska akcija za Zemaljski muzej BiH/Civil action for the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Joined July 2015
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Ja Sam Muzej Reposted

Conference exhibition in Rector's Palace in Dubrovnik, with @jasammuzej @vapriikki @Micropia @LionSaltWorks and 38 more featured laureates

BestInHeritage's tweet image. Conference exhibition in Rector's Palace in Dubrovnik, with @jasammuzej @vapriikki @Micropia @LionSaltWorks and 38 more featured laureates

Ja Sam Muzej Reposted

Featured at #BestInHeritage 2017 @europanostra award laureate Employees & Activists of @Zemaljskimuzej @jasammuzej thebestinheritage.com/conference

BestInHeritage's tweet image. Featured at #BestInHeritage 2017 @europanostra award laureate Employees & Activists of @Zemaljskimuzej @jasammuzej thebestinheritage.com/conference

Ja sam Muzej na konferenciji Vijeća Evrope povodom lansiranja Evropske strategije za kulturno nasljeđe u 21. vijeku. bit.ly/2mbM70O

Dokumentarac o kampanji @jasammuzej i nagradi @europanostra kao i drugim kampanjama udruženja @AkcijaSarajevo bit.ly/2hDRBQe

Ja Sam Muzej Reposted

#BattlefieldCulture conference is taking place in Sarajevo in organization of @AkcijaSarajevo, with more than 70 participants from WB.

Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej

jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej

Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej

jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej

Concert as part of celebration of the Grand Prix @europanostra 2016 awarded to Employees and activists of @Zemaljskimuzej & @AkcijaSarajevo

Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej

jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej

Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej

jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej

Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej

jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej

Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej

jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej
jasammuzej's tweet image. Citizens who took part in the campaign @jasammuzej pose with their @europanostra award at the local ceremony in Sarajevo at @Zemaljskimuzej

Ja Sam Muzej Reposted

Great media attention 4 celebration of our Grand Prix @Zemaljskimuzej in Sarajevo @jasammuzej @eubih @europe_creative

SneskaEN's tweet image. Great media attention 4 celebration of our Grand Prix @Zemaljskimuzej in Sarajevo @jasammuzej @eubih @europe_creative

Ja Sam Muzej Reposted

Celebrating @europanostra Award for the Employees and Activists of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina. @jasammuzej

AkcijaSarajevo's tweet image. Celebrating @europanostra Award for the Employees and Activists of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina. @jasammuzej

Group photography of all citizens and activists who participated in the campaign #jasammuzej. @europanostra @Zemaljskimuzej @Akcija

jasammuzej's tweet image. Group photography of all citizens and activists who participated in the campaign #jasammuzej. @europanostra @Zemaljskimuzej @Akcija

Poba za koncert Jordi Savalla u Zemaljskom muzeju prije proslave nagrade Europa Nostra @europanostra @Zemaljskimuzej @AkcijaSarajevo

jasammuzej's tweet image. Poba za koncert Jordi Savalla u Zemaljskom muzeju prije proslave nagrade Europa Nostra @europanostra @Zemaljskimuzej @AkcijaSarajevo

Ja Sam Muzej Reposted

Proslava nagrade Europa Nostra za radnike i aktiviste Zemaljskog muzeja BiH pocinje danas u 15 minuta do 11 sati na platou ispred Muzeja.

AkcijaSarajevo's tweet image. Proslava nagrade Europa Nostra za radnike i aktiviste Zemaljskog muzeja BiH pocinje danas u 15 minuta do 11 sati na platou ispred Muzeja.

Ja Sam Muzej Reposted

Employees & Activists of the National Museum of BiH in Sarajevo are celebrated tomorrow europanostra.org/news/840 @europe_creative @eubih

europanostra's tweet image. Employees & Activists of the National Museum of BiH in Sarajevo are celebrated tomorrow europanostra.org/news/840 @europe_creative @eubih

Ja Sam Muzej Reposted

#JordiSavall will perform 4 the Employees & Activists of National Museum of BiH #Sarajevo on 21/10 europanostra.org/news/840/ @europe_creative

europanostra's tweet image. #JordiSavall will perform 4 the Employees & Activists of National Museum of BiH #Sarajevo on 21/10 europanostra.org/news/840/ @europe_creative


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