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Intan Istiqomah


scribo ergo sum | dream chaser | chocolate lover

Joined November 2010
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Intan Istiqomah Reposted

#JiSung Explains the Story Behind His “Manner Hands” in “#KillMeHealMesoompi.com/2015/03/16/ji-… http://t.co/MPvrdepjmh

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Intan Istiqomah Reposted

Worry less, smile more. Don't regret, just learn and grow. Good morning, Updaters! http://t.co/IqmT2ZHUJC

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nah! "@nulisbuku: Ada 2 masalah besar di dunia: orang bodoh yang percaya diri dan orang pintar yang penuh keragu-raguan."

Intan Istiqomah Reposted

Sukses adalah.... http://t.co/qMdoWXARK2

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hot chocolate is the best for rainy monday! Yum :9

@okydwio pdhl dlu qt semangat bt nonton pke duit sdri hahah. niat brubah stlah negara api menyerang

@okydwio bigbang mau ke indo po? sipsip, teruskan hahaha

@okydwio lagi ikutan kuis ki? :D

Intan Istiqomah Reposted

Menikmati Kopi Gayo, Menikmati Inkonsistensi Rasa kom.ps/AFpgYR

sometimes, expectation is too much to handle

Intan Istiqomah Reposted

PK 26, tetap kompak selalu! "@Kintamani_pk26: We are #PK26 @LPDP_RI @mohkamiluddin http://t.co/KxS3WoI29o"

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Intan Istiqomah Reposted

Lebih banyak orang gagal bukan karena mereka tidak memiliki pengetahuan atau bakat tetapi karena mereka berhenti berusaha. Jangan berhenti!

Intan Istiqomah Reposted

More people fail not because they lack knowledge or talent but because they just quit.

Intan Istiqomah Reposted

3. Pastikan menguyah makanan sebanyak 32 kali. Mulut memaksimalkan produksi enzim yg membantu proses pencernaan @PakBondan @LPDP_RI #PK26

Intan Istiqomah Reposted

Rendang versi Malaysia = Kalio versi Minang @PakBondan @LPDP_RI #PK26

Intan Istiqomah Reposted

Menulis || Menjaga warisan budaya kuliner Indonesia @PakBondan @LPDP_RI #PK-26

Intan Istiqomah Reposted

Konsep 'halal food' sangat cocok dijadikan sebagai jalur promosi global makanan khas Indonesia #PK26 @PakBondan @LPDP_RI

Intan Istiqomah Reposted

Kuliner Indonesia go Internasional. No. 1 Rendang disusul nasi goreng versi CNN. #PK26 @PakBondan @LPDP_RI

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