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growing is painful and difficult. so at least, could we be a safe space for ourself to grow?

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As growing is hard, please do find a secure place to grow. As learning is never easy and a long journey, please be kind to others and yourself. Look at the whole journey one has gone through and be fascinated with how wonderful life has been.

Sadar sih emang payah banget, makanya perlu bersandar ke Yang Maha Besar

That so called cinta sejati, the one, is bullshit. Love is built and nurtured within the two-way committed relationship.

18! Kasih tau unpopular opinion about relationship yang akan kamu bela habis-habisan

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Me seeing my twitter timeline recently:

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You're not alone, my friend. 1 of 4

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One with P-value < 0.05

what’s an ideal relationship?

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"I think my draft is wonderf..." Feedback:

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Stay foolish and explore the world to find the north star of your existence. embrace all that happened in life, the good parts and the difficult ones as they shape you to grow.

ㅤ Berikan nasihat terbaikmu untuk mereka yang baru memasuki usia 20an 👇 ㅤ

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Lets try NotebookLM. Could it be another asdos for me

Dulu pas di luar, karena lagi kangen banget jajanan Indo akhirnya nyoba bikin sendirilah segala lemper, pastel, risol dll. Dan menyadari kalau jajanan2 itu sumpah ribet banget bikinnyaaaaa bener2 ga sebanding dengan harga jualnya. Selama ini I've taken them for granted 🙏

Aku mau bagi pendapat kenapa kok jarang pake jajan pasar tradisional: 1. Bikinnya ribet 2. Marginnya tipis 3. Kayak kemarin orang marah makan soto 200ribu, banyak market tipe yang masih marah makan telo goreng 4 biji harga 25k tapi ga keberatan french fries curah soggy 25k

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being able to thrive in loneliness, a skill im still lacking cause in the end were all by ourself arent we?

Dosenku lagi PhD di Florida, jauh dari keluarga kecilnya, trus tengah malem (di sana) main piano nyanyi The Corrs dan live IG. I stayed there until the live ends, one hour later. It kinda hits me somehow that we are all battling loneliness in our own way.

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