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Lord of the North



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Lord of the North Reposted

Gaes coba lihat barang aneh tapi sangat BERGUNA yg aku beli : CEBOKAN PORTABEL! 😂 Sumpah benda ky gini tuh berguna bgt kalo km lg travelling ke luar negri yg toiletnya cuman ada tisu! Secara geleuh ya bok abis eek di lap tisu doang 😖 lebih enak pake aer yekan lebih bersih ~ 🚽

Lord of the North Reposted

Kenapa HUTANG itu HARUS SEGERA dilunaskan, salah satunya karena kalau kita menahan hak orang lain, Allah juga akan menahan hak kita. Semoga bermanfaat.

Keren banget ibuk yang satu ini. High salutation👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Eks Menlu Retno Marsudi Ditunjuk Jadi Direktur Perusahaan Energi Singapura Baca di kompas.com/tren/read/2024…

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Lord of the North Reposted


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Lord of the North Reposted


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Dinosaurus cuma akal-akalan untuk bisa jualan bahan bakar fosil

Lord of the North Reposted

honey bear

Lord of the North Reposted

he do his little dancey dance

Lord of the North Reposted


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Lord of the North Reposted

Kemarin om ded mampir ke kantor, beliau bongkar trik dukun, dari mulai sentuhan gaib, bisikan gaib, sampai jelangkung Terus banyak banget cerita soal dilema seorang magician dan kode etik yang harus dipegang. Kayaknya bakal jadi konten terbaik yg bakal tayang si yt gw

Lord of the North Reposted

What would you call him?

Ibuke Taeyong wong Ngawi ta?

taeyong : apa sih bukk 😭🫵🏻

Lord of the North Reposted

😾: "bagi ntu makanan atau gua berakin ni karpet"

Lord of the North Reposted

bro is drinking water using hopes and dreams

Lord of the North Reposted

Lord of the North Reposted

this is why the internet exists

Lord of the North Reposted

🐵: jadi ga enak, gappa kok kalo ga bisa ga usah😄 sc : tt/r13_roma

Lord of the North Reposted

📍 Bantaragung, Majalengka #Jelajahi_Indonesia

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Opo seh, tax amnesty kok sak wayah wayah. 🤣🤣🤣

Lord of the North Reposted


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Lord of the North Reposted

sweetnya 5 menit sakitnya 5 hari


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