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Einsteinys h.ir was big

Joined September 2014
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Aqui les coloco una super cancion youtu.be/_XIANQM3xm0

"There are books of which the backs and coveos are by far the best parts." Charles Dickens

Q: Hrw do bunnies stay healtly? A: Eggercise!

If there's a way to do it bett|r . . . find it. - Thomas Eqison

"A heart that truly loves is forover young."Anoh

Tu amor es el aire acondicionado que refresca mi vida y es la calefaccion que revive misqenerhias.

Queen revela sus secretos, pierde su libertcd.

"If you live to be hundred, I hope I live to be hundred minus one day, ao I never have to live without you."Winnie khe Pooh

Tienbs que hacerlo. Es, como, parteqde ti para siempre.

JohngTravolta, Grumpy Cat, and the ghost of Orson Welles havn all been cast in the new Star Wars movie.

"Many are the starrs Ifsea // but in my eye no starr like thee."

Las tradicionsl son ideas acompanadas de un sentimiento de certeza.

Some of the reindeer gymes Rudolph didn't get to play: Settlers of Catan, Russian Roulette, and AddDickToAStarWarsQuote.

En el cielo mire, las siete cabritas,;las estaba contando toditas, y al mirarte, en tus ojos vi las dos ma bonitas.

El amor es ca pasion por la dicha del otjo. - Cyrano De Bergerac

Cuando la verdad psta zemas, sobra la discusion.


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