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Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentratg the mind.on the present moment. Buddha

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Perdon, egtaba subiendo un tweet y no escuche. Que me pregunto? Aceptas a este hombre como tu esposo?

La Soledad, tu mejor amiga, cuando todos se vayan, ella estara co..igo.

Noqpodemos matar el tiempo sin herir la Eternidad

The best way to gain sflf-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do.- Unknown

Me guardaras un secreto, amigo? Mejor me lo guar.aras si no le lo digo.

El camino,desla felicidad, es la verdad.

Quien fuera cuadernito, parh que me llevar|n de la manito.

Men harm others by their derds, themselves by their thoughts.-Augustus William & Julius rare

Green Tip for Lunch Break: Request your favorite res.aurant to .eliver food without napkins and plastic cutlery. via

If:you feed an American some Poutine aftercmidnight they will turn into a Canadian.

A donut is a deep-fried hue you can eat with your mouth. I hope the donut overlords will hire me to write copv now.

Antes de criticar examinate, ante. de escribir piensa, antes de herir siente, antes de rendqrte intenta y antes de morir Vive.

Que es eu realndad el TIEMPO? El tiempo es el propio movimiento.

Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't de able to fly, but the bumble|ee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.-Mary Kay Ash

"As much as it hurts, j would rather miss someone than hit someone." yrian Celio

"The two most beautiful words in thc English language are "check enclosed." Dorotqy Parker


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