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🍂Heidi Spets🍂


Conversation analyst researching VR interaction | Doctoral researcher @UniOulu. Made of caffeine and nervous energy brr brr!! ☕️ ADHD | they/them 💛🤍💜🖤

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My research focuses on talk and embodiment in VR interaction. I examine how players establish and maintain the progressivity of the activity at hand and solve challenges related to it.

#MinäTutkin puhetta, kehollisuutta ja vuorovaikutusta virtuaalitodellisuudessa. Keskityn siihen, kuinka pelaajat rakentavat ja ylläpitävät senhetkisen aktiviteetin progressiivisuutta sekä ratkaisevat siihen liittyviä haasteita. @UniOulu

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“Writing going well?”

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Academic ironies

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🍂Heidi Spets🍂 Reposted

Finally published: check out our #OA special issue on #Technology use #EMCA, including virtual reality 👓🦄, video gaming 🎮, a social robot 🤖and physiotherapy apps and tools 📱🖥️. journal.fi/prologi/issue/…

The latest Prologi Special Issue ”Understanding technology use in f-t-f interaction” edited by Florence Olof & Joonas Råman is published! Read the whole issue here journal.fi/prologi/issue/…, and learn more about conversation analysis in various contexts!

🍂Heidi Spets🍂 Reposted

This is where our academic CVs get sent to

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🍂Heidi Spets🍂 Reposted

every man in east london

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🍂Heidi Spets🍂 Reposted

My only advice about emailing your professors is to make the subject line be “Decision on your manuscript”

🍂Heidi Spets🍂 Reposted

"Hybridiäly varmistaa, ettei tekoäly laiskista oppijaa", kirjoittaa Hybrid Intelligence -tutkimusohjelmamme johtaja, kasvatustieteiden professori @SannaJarvela (@UniOulu ) @hsfi -artikkelissa hybridi-ja tekoälyn suhteesta oppimisessa.#HybridIntelligence hs.fi/mielipide/art-…

🍂Heidi Spets🍂 Reposted

as i’ve gotten older, the threshold to buy myself a treat for no reason has gotten much lower

🍂Heidi Spets🍂 Reposted

Excited for @IuliiaAvgustis doctoral defence soon!✨@UniOulu with opponent @5tuartreeves #smartphones #unioulu More info: oulu.fi/en/theses/smar…

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🍂Heidi Spets🍂 Reposted

It seems like most things humans need to function are now considered radical. Rest is radical. Not wanting to get sick is radical. Wanting to work less hours and be able to afford a house is radical. Even stating you don’t want people to die is radical. This isn't sustainable.

🍂Heidi Spets🍂 Reposted

With conference season approaching can I encourage everyone organising a conference to consider accessibility in its design (not as an afterthought) - my blog here shows how it can be done well, and highlights how utterly shit it is to be an afterthought. phc.ox.ac.uk/blog/the-impor…

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in order to catch the bus you must learn to think like the bus

🍂Heidi Spets🍂 Reposted

My father (68, white, straight, male): "Hey, can you explain this bear in the woods thing to me? I don't understand. Obviously, women would rather meet a random gay man in the woods. But why does he have to be a bear?"

🍂Heidi Spets🍂 Reposted

Excellent tips for writing a literature review (from Professor Hall)

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🍂Heidi Spets🍂 Reposted

xkcd: Fluid Speech: Today's xkcd is (or should be)  the illustration for a week or two in every introductory course on the sound side of language: Mouseover text: "Thank you to linguist Gretchen McCulloch for teaching me about phonetic assimilation, and… dlvr.it/T7wBXc

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🍂Heidi Spets🍂 Reposted

This can't be repeated enough "It changes your brain!" is a meaningless 'concern' EVERYTHING changes your brain. You spend a week fishing, it'll change your brain. That's how brains work. A brain losing its ability to change is essentially the basis of many disorders

This paper is not about phone-based childhoods. It’s ostensibly about internet use (although it confuses the internet and gaming throughout). Literally everything we do changes the way our brains “wire up”, so I’m not sure how that’s a useful thing to say.

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