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Joined February 2022
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The war industry must continue non of these wars have been solved, it was just continuing to another, from Irak to Libya, from Libya to Syria, from Syria to Ukraine and on and on... The show must go on. ( With respect to other thinking there is probably other reasons also)

With just few sentences he explained the situation.

Ubijanje Religije Američki kongres je doneo zakon putem kojeg će se svaka tvrdnja da su Jevreji ubili Hrista tretirati kao "Govor Mržnje" i Antisemitizam. Kanada je donela zakon koji zabranjuje citiranje Biblije na javnom mestu, kazna za takav "zločin" ide i do 5 god. zatvora.

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Марљиво раде да униште човечанство! x.com/ivan_8848/stat…

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Remember This Interview ⚡️💥 🎯 ‼️ Col Douglas Macgregor on The Future of NATO The Sinking Ship Sacred cows are never slain They simply vanish I think that NATO in particular will sort of gradually sink beneath the waves as we say at sea. It's like a giant battleship that's…

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