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Do you remember when you joined X? I do! #MyXAnniversary

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Catatan buat kita semua yg berencana jadi orang tua, cara paling simple buat otak anak aktif itu: 1. Dipercaya 2. Didengarkan pendapatnya. 3. Diberi kesempatan untuk mencoba dan boleh salah. 4. Diapresiasi usahanya. Ketika berhasil, pun ketika gagal.

semenjak gw banyak ketemu bocil dan emaknya, ini bener bgt. bocil yg "nggak pinter" ini, di rumah emang nggak dibangun kebiasan buat jadi pinter.

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aku beneran percaya kalo energi itu menular. kalau deket sama orang yang suka ngomongin orang lain, suka julidin orang lain, lama lama pasti kita bakalan ngikut energi negatif itu. kalau deket sama yang suka ngasih energi positif ya pasti bakalan ikut positif vibes juga.

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Semakin lama ngajarin anak bahasa Inggris di sini semakin nyadar kenapa masyarakat kita mau udah belajar 12 tahun juga, tetep aja susah ngertinya. Lha, wong, dasar penting kek gini aja di-skip, kok! Dah keburu stres mikirin verb, adjective, tenses, grammar, dll. 😖

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Ya Allah, seperti mana Kau alirkan air zamzam tanpa henti, Kau alirkan rezeki buat kami sekeluarga dengan rezeki yang berkat dan halal. Aamiin.

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My biggest goal in life is to live at ease. I want to wake up and go to sleep with the calmest nervous system ever.

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Nobody tells you how hard it is to rewire your brain so you can allow amazing things to happen to you after so much trauma or hurt. Blessings exist, good people exist, and a safer life exists. Let it happen.

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Gue selalu mikir medsos adalah cerminan diri. Semua akan terlihat toksik, depressing, dan menyebalkan klo kitanya sendiri lagi gak baik2 aja. It's always good to step away for a bit. You can't win the battle outside when the war is within you.

pengen bundir tiap ngecek instagram 🤣🤣🤣🤣 my college friends and acquaintances already got a job and some are even already got promoted 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ada yang lagi liburan ke luar negeri 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ada yang udah nikah 🤣🤣🤣🤣 content creator friends are thriving 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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i don't think people understand how hard it is when your toxic trait is self isolation + avoidance, everybody instantly think you're ignoring them but you're just struggling to find peace

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Perbanyaklah beristighfar, bisa jadi semua rasa kecewamu, takutmu, khawatirmu saat ini adalah cara Allah untuk menghapus dosa-dosamu

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Life update

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soft spoken will always be one of my standards. i love gentle and calm people.

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Don’t cry over closed doors. If not for them, you wouldn’t be where you are today. Thank the Almighty who always plans what’s best for you.

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Introverts are very private people. Anything they share is well thought out and calculated. It's funny when people say they "know them". Nope. Not a chance. Bruh, trust me, you know nothing.

Ohh this is why I couldn't hold my tears during long live🥲

📣‼️ | Singapore is the last city Taylor sang ‘Long Live’ for The Eras Tour 😮‍💨

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Goodness and kindness. Spread this everywhere you go. Life’s too short to be doing otherwise.

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💯, simpel but important. “Orangnya bersih, perfectionist, peduli.”

Ngelapin meja yang basah/kena noda pake tisu 'sisa'. Selain ngebersihin juga memanfaatkan tisu yg ada, jadi nggk pemborosan tisu.

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