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Lulu fathia asri


may peace be upon you

Joined August 2009
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Lulu fathia asri Reposted

While following the results of insulting Prophet Muhammad in India, a nightclub in Indonesia came out with a new insulting by advertising free alcoholic drink to men named Muhammad & to women named Maria every Thursday! It is a deliberate provocation that needs deterrent action.

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Lulu fathia asri Reposted

Even when everybody disagrees with you; if it makes you happy, if it’s good for your mental health, and most of all, if your heart agrees with it; just go for it.

Aslinya pesen warna pink ya?

Yg dipesan warna apa, yang datang warna apa. Apa apaan 🥲

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Lulu fathia asri Reposted

Yg dipesan warna apa, yang datang warna apa. Apa apaan 🥲

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Trueee 😭😭😭

Yg dipesan warna apa, yang datang warna apa. Apa apaan 🥲

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Lulu fathia asri Reposted

Bella Hadid is using her platform to speak about Palestine but SOME Malaysian celebrities and influencers aren't and masih sibuk ootd raya, if this doesn’t say it all I don't knkw what does.

Wkwkwk norak parah

Lah aneh banget vaksin kok gratis. Gimana mau korupsinya coba? Dasar negara norak!

Lulu fathia asri Reposted

Kepada warga Jakarta, izinkan saya memberi penjelasan tentang kondisi saya saat ini. Mari kita saling jaga dan saling dukung. Semoga kita semua terus diberi kesehatan oleh Allah SWT. youtu.be/cwZLv_LVt8c

Lulu fathia asri Reposted

Trump looks like a goldfish that fell out of the fishbowl onto the floor, gasping for breath.

Segitu lagi engap engap masih ajaaa ...

Trump climbs a few steps to the White House, takes off his mask and then is visibly gasping and having diffulty breathing while he tries to wave and pretend everything is fine.

Lulu fathia asri Reposted

Lo atur deh gimane elo 💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️

Bela Puan, PDIP Sebut Mik Fraksi Demokrat Mati Otomatis cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20201…

I hv no words

Bela Puan, PDIP Sebut Mik Fraksi Demokrat Mati Otomatis cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20201…


Cara pemerintah dan DPR membungkam kritik omnibus law:


Cara pemerintah dan DPR membungkam kritik omnibus law:

YaAllah 😭😭😭

Cara pemerintah dan DPR membungkam kritik omnibus law:

Please ...

Trump telling reporters he was just being "sarcastic" yesterday when he suggested that people could inject themselves with disinfectant as a treatment for coronavirus. per TV pool reporter @weijia (note: in the video it did not appear he was being sarcastic)

Unch sejawatku bgt 😘😘😘

Trump telling reporters he was just being "sarcastic" yesterday when he suggested that people could inject themselves with disinfectant as a treatment for coronavirus. per TV pool reporter @weijia (note: in the video it did not appear he was being sarcastic)

Dulu liat quote bgni seneng bnr. Skrng jd bucin bnr rasanya 😅

Trump telling reporters he was just being "sarcastic" yesterday when he suggested that people could inject themselves with disinfectant as a treatment for coronavirus. per TV pool reporter @weijia (note: in the video it did not appear he was being sarcastic)

Owkeeeyyy 🙃🙃🙃

Trump telling reporters he was just being "sarcastic" yesterday when he suggested that people could inject themselves with disinfectant as a treatment for coronavirus. per TV pool reporter @weijia (note: in the video it did not appear he was being sarcastic)

udh lama gak buka twttr.😌😌

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