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Lil baby:God watch my friends,I can handle my enemies>>>>

Kuishi bedsitter inahitaji a strong soul..unaamka unaona viombo ni chafu kidogo kidogo ndo ya UNGA iko almost empty💔 kutoka kwa kitanda tena unaskia choo inanuka shiet

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Today is my adopted big siz birthday!

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Leo ni mm nawaka badala ya jua

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whatever you do in this life, don't allow that your 1K turn to 900 bob

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kuna mbogi hupost mtu status ati, "happy pvssy escape" like what the fuckery. That caption is so fvcking offensive!

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When is the last time you dewormed? 🤔 Be honest, hutachapwa... 😅

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Mf be chasing a girl for a year just to end up underperforming 😂

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Nimewekea kipofu das kwa kikombe hapo cbd akaclick 😂

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What next after list ya kwanza ya graduands imetokea, na hujioni? 🥲😭😂

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Dehydration inaeza fanya udhani uko mgonjwa kweli

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Highschool saa hii ningekuwa nimedoz mbaya double lesson ya chem kushinda tirries za mpoa wako

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Design nimewaka naskia kupigia zima moto

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Imagine sasa kama tungekuwa tunafanya hesabu in roman numbers hapo tungeteseka ajab

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it's a cold world, keep the heat under your seat ~ J cole

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Hii yangu nayo kama ww si mtaro huwezi toboa

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Hako ka underline ukitype huku twitter kananiboo,hizi ni features gani sasa uncle anaweka?😤

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Kama ni wewe umetumia manzi yangu 300 ya lunch mungu akubariki😆

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Kwa mbogi hakukosangi yule msee mmoja fala lakini hudhani ni mjanja kuwaliko.

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