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D.Izzaty Reposted

Gambar ini telah memenangi anugerah di Siena International Photo Awards 2021. Munzir, si ayah yang kudung sebelah kaki. Mustafa, si anak yang lahir tanpa separuh anggota badan. Dan mereka tinggal di tengah-tengah medan perang di Syria. Dalam kesulitan, carilah kebahagiaan.

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D.Izzaty Reposted

Students of Libban Al Sharqyeh school heading to their school surrounding by their teachers due to the tension around the school as Israeli soldiers have been preventing students from using the road leading to their school. The army says students throw stones on settlers vehicles

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Oh oh

PayPal currently provides full access to users in Israel and illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, but for years has refused to offer the same in the occupied Palestinian territories ow.ly/H79b30rW8f0

D.Izzaty Reposted

Video released by @btselem shows Israeli settlers attacking the village of Mufaqarah in the Hebron hills yesterday. At least 6 Palestinians wounded including 3 year old with head injuries, say locals.

Assalammualaikum wr wb. Saya sudah mendaftar dari bagian Event Hijrah Online Terbesar di 2021 ini, Yuks ikut bergabung untuk acara spesial ini. Coba simak dan ikut mendaftar via link berikut ini: form.drip.id/s/71n4hmogar3

D.Izzaty Reposted

Reminder: 2 million Uyghur Muslims are locked away in prison camps in #China 🇨🇳

D.Izzaty Reposted

I just wanted to say that life in #Gaza is worse than it was before the 11 day aggression.

D.Izzaty Reposted

"Dan janganlah engkau berjalan di bumi dengan berlagak sombong kerana sesungguhnya engkau tidak akan dapat menembusi bumi dan engkau tidak akan dapat menyamai setinggi gunung-ganang." - Surah Al Israa' ayat 37.

D.Izzaty Reposted

#staypositive Staying positive doesn't mean that you never feel negative emotions, such as sadness or anger. You need to feel them so that you can move through difficult situations. They can help you to respond to a problem. But you don't want those emotions to take over.

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D.Izzaty Reposted

Masalahnya: Penyebar isu di Facebook/Whatsapp yang menyarankan untuk tidak vaksinasi TIDAK AKAN ngurusin kamu di ICU ketika kamu sekarat kehabisan oksigen karena varian Delta. Solusinya gampang: Berhenti membuang-buang waktu di whatsapp. Dapetin vaksin.

D.Izzaty Reposted

Q: What’s the GUARANTEE that vaccine won’t hurt me? Who pays if I get a rare s/effect? A: Life is a set of probabilities, not guarantees. There is a 99.99% chance that post-vaccine you’ll be safe A better Q regarding payment is: who pays if I get COVID? Get vaccinated

D.Izzaty Reposted

Covid umumnya menyebar dari orang ke orang, melalui kontak dekat atau udara, di ruang dalam ruangan Penyebaran permukaan SANGAT langka. Berhentilah mengkhawatirkan pegangan, gagang pintu, koran, pakaian, bahan makanan. Cuci tangan saja Fokus di tempat yang penting

D.Izzaty Reposted

Bagaimana cara mengontrol covid? - mendidik massa - ikuti Sains - pakai masker - batasi pertemuan dalam ruangan - memvaksinasi Pemimpin agama dan politik harus memimpin dengan memberi contoh. Orang yang terpecah tidak bisa menang melawan virus yang bersatu

D.Izzaty Reposted

Indonesia: In 3-weeks, COVID cases have increased by 3 folds. Is anyone listening??? Dalam 3 minggu, kasus COVID meningkat 3 kali lipat.Apakah ada yang mendengarkan??? Now 3-weeks ago

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vaksin yuk

Dalam praktik saya, kasus COVID aktif yang parah terjadi hampir secara eksklusif pada orang yang belum mendapat vaksin. Kamu bisa pilih u/ divaksin atau percaya teori konsporasi.

Israeli occupation forces shot Palestinian child Mohammad Hamayel during protests against land theft in Beita. The bullet hit his spleen & other shrapnel in his waist. He was transferred to the ICU, later released. IOF injured 411 people last night, 23 of them with live bullets.

D.Izzaty Reposted

This morning Israeli authorities seized homes and belongings from communities at Humsa Al Bqa’ia in the West Bank

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D.Izzaty Reposted

We finally managed to access #Humsa Al Bqai'a #WestBank. Residents stay under the sky, in plain desert, no belongings, no homes, no tents, water tanks destroyed. Even diapers had been taken. We're still pushing for the Israeli authorities to let assistance in.

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D.Izzaty Reposted

"My room was here!" 4-year-old Palestinian child, Salah, is looking for his room and bed after it was demolished by Israeli forces in Silwan.

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