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diogo Reposted

idk how many "fuck it we ball” i got left in me

diogo Reposted

I like my music loud, i need to feel that shit😭

alta green flag ahahaha

diogo Reposted

leaving things unsaid for the sake of peace

que sonho foi este wtf

diogo Reposted

me acostumei com olhares de inveja, isso já virou normal🤷🏻‍♂️

diogo Reposted

I ain’t stressin bout nothing no more, whatever don’t go right just ain’t for me‼️

eu consegui dormir 15h seguidas

diogo Reposted

I only trust myself because people switch up too easy nowadays.

diogo Reposted

Olhe para trás, você verá cicatrizes

diogo Reposted

some people will literally never hear from me again

diogo Reposted

Fique rico ou morra tentando.

duas seguidas 🙄

diogo Reposted

Be the the energy you want to attract.

diogo Reposted

na falta de amor e carinho, fume um do verdinho


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