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ydp Reposted

Celebrate your father today because you won't know how important they are until you lose them.

Nah, i’ll pass. I don’t get paid enough to care 😒🤷🏽‍♀️

Buat yg ngambil, selamat menikmati kerja keras saya. Semoga bisa berguna buat kehidupan sehari-hari 😊

Untungnya di dlm tas ga ada dokumen brharga atau uang.Cuma makeup,parfum dan kunci. Tp buat saya makeup sama berharganya sama dokumen. Lapor ke polisi, mereka ga bs masukin ke dlm laporan kehilangan kalo yg ilang bukan dokumen.Ahahahaha 🫠🫠

Kaca mobil temen sblh kanan di pecah waktu kita lagi girls night out. ( Mobilnya fiat 500, bisa bayangin khn mini kaca yg tmpt duduk bagian blkg) Semua barang yang ada disblh kanan dicuri (sialnya itu tas dan jaket saya 🥲)

Wonder if my bapak proud of me 💭

Finally, i did it. 3 weeks ago, i was done.I couldn’t do it anymore. Setelah 5 bulan, kerja di tempat penuh drama dan super toxic,. I was over it. I made the choice to move to another brand, ga peduli what my ex-bosses think.

As you grow, you realized a home can be a person too ❣️

Beban terberat pindah ke negara orang? Kemana-mana, kerja, bersosialisasi dll bawa nama negara di pundak. “Oh Yasha , yg dari Indonesia itu??” Nahhhh

One day, this will be a success story 😊

“Stringi i denti ed asciuga le tue lacrime” they said 🙂

Kenapa di tiktok banyak banget dah video “daddy issues” . Generasi skrg kenapa sih? Serius nanya

ydp Reposted

A #Cancer lover will look beyond the superficial & love you wholly for who you are.

“Brand new Cherry Flavor” adalah Series @netflix te-absurd dan creepy. Di episode 4 udah pengen berenti nonton tapi penasaran. Akhirnya? Lanjut sampe selesai 😅

My husband just asking me “Piccola, what we do on our 10 years anniversary?” . Dang, 10 years??? Already?😳😳

“Mamma, nanti cium sama peluknya di mobil aja, jangan di depan tmnku ya?” ,Saya dalam hati ;🥲🥲🥲

No baby, nope.. No cappuccino after 12pm. Italians only have it in the morning with brioche or biscotti #italianrules

I asked my husband to leave his toxic masculinity behind and start using moisturize for his damn dry skin. (Kenyataannya ngga segampang itu 🤣)

Sì, è colpa del vino . .

ydp Reposted

Mess with a #Cancer & they will give you the worst guilt trip of your life.

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