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Dek Dek Ayoe


~terkadang apa yang kita tau dan lihat bukan kenyataan yang sebenarnya~

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Dek Dek Ayoe Reposted

Merasa bodoh saat diposisi "mau pergi tapi sayang, bertahan tapi sakit" itu memang sudah pasti ada.

Dek Dek Ayoe Reposted

Jangan terlalu baik sama orang, karena jaman sekarang orang itu gak tau terimakasih :')

Mana sempat peduli 😁

Udah gak mau mikir lagi. Terserah, gw lelah sumpah :)

Orang-Orang uwuu bat sama pacarnya, gw malah ancur Unhappy with u mah klo gw wkwk😅

Orang-orang kok bisa ya pacaran bahagia terus lama lagi😅

Sedihnya terlalu sering. Hehe

Cuma dicari pas dia perlu doang👌🏼 Coba aku yg perlu, mana dia peduli. Ckck

Dek Dek Ayoe Reposted

Don't waste your time on someone didn't appreciate your effort, who never care about yourself and who never want to stay in a relationship.

Makin lama dia cuma mikirin dirinya sendiri 😪 yaah manusia emg gitu kali.

Udah sering bilang bodo amatin aja biar gak nyakitin diri sendiri, 🙄

Dek Dek Ayoe Reposted

Page 44 of 366 If they have cared about you, they won't have made you feel this way. Stop hoping for things that won't happen.

Kebanyakan sedihnya daripada senangnya, jadi sedih deh :''')

Dek Dek Ayoe Reposted

Dont cheat, if you don’t happy. Leave.

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Dek Dek Ayoe Reposted

People can't be strong all the time. Sometimes they just need to be alone and let the tears out.

Maybe i don’t want your time anymore. I don’t need anything from you! :)

Dek Dek Ayoe Reposted

Thankyou, I'm done.

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