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Didik Purwadi


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Sudahlah.. Cinta dan menikah itu dua hal yang sama sekali berbeda

Kini baru kusadari dengan sesadar-sadarnya betapa pentingnya puasa.

Why don't I see her cry for help? Why don't I feel her cry for help? Why don't I hear her cry for help?

Yun.. aku rindu...

I only wish you weren't my friend Then I could hurt you in the end

People go insane...

Another heartache, another failed romance, on and on Does anybody know what we are living for?

Jaman etok etok...

Kesadaran adalah obat dari segala yang membuatmu sakit dan menderita.

I saw you suffering Through a foggy window in the rain When you thought no one was watching,

Kau punya segalanya yang aku impikan..

Is this a real life..?? Is this just fantasy..??

Kau hanya milikku dalam mimpi...

Rosas rasis rosas rasis gundulmu...!!!


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