danitedan's profile picture. Proud Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Daniel The Danite


Proud Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Joined March 2023
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Keep your focus on what matters most!

danitedan's tweet image. Keep your focus on what matters most!

Daniel The Danite Reposted

You may have heard a rumor that someone saw me somewhere using a walker or a wheelchair. Well, it’s not a rumor. From time to time, I’m having a small challenge with my balance. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised when little issues arise as I near the century mark. Gratefully, my…

NelsonRussellM's tweet image. You may have heard a rumor that someone saw me somewhere using a walker or a wheelchair. Well, it’s not a rumor.

From time to time, I’m having a small challenge with my balance. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised when little issues arise as I near the century mark.

Gratefully, my…


Missouri issued an extermination order on my ancestors that was in effect until the 70s. We were forcibly expelled from the US & settled a desert, only to have 100% of our assets seized by the government. There’s a historical precedent for needing to be completely self sufficient

Just sold an investment property and donated it all! #MakeItATrillion

Needed this today!

Missouri issued an extermination order on my ancestors that was in effect until the 70s. We were forcibly expelled from the US & settled a desert, only to have 100% of our assets seized by the government. There’s a historical precedent for needing to be completely self sufficient

To be clear on this, a Jewish lady and a milquetoast fence sitter radicalized a Mexican neo nazi from a Russian website into slaughtering white Texans according to the CIA operative who broke the story. Seems totally legit.

Daniel The Danite Reposted

The open house for the St. George Utah Temple will run from September 15 to November 11, excluding Sundays. The temple will then be rededicated on Sunday, December 10, in two sessions, one at 10 a.m. and the other at 1:30 p.m. newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/rededi…

Ch_JesusChrist's tweet image. The open house for the St. George Utah Temple will run from September 15 to November 11, excluding Sundays. The temple will then be rededicated on Sunday, December 10, in two sessions, one at 10 a.m. and the other at 1:30 p.m.


Elder Isaac Heninger, 19, of New Brunswick, fell in a May 7 evening accident and died the following morning in a Salt Lake City hospital. thechurchnews.com/members/2023/5…

Daniel The Danite Reposted

any woman who tells another woman “exposing your body is empowering” is NOT your friend.

Who did this???? Hahah.

danitedan's tweet image. Who did this???? Hahah.

This was my experience as well.

When I was investigating the Church to find out if it was true, I would consistently find blatant lies by the critics (claims we believe things we don’t believe, ripping quotes out of context, deliberately changing quotes with ellipses to make it say something else, etc) /1

Daniel The Danite Reposted

From the satire desk

nauvoosupply's tweet image. From the satire desk


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Something went wrong.