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Cristina Sánchez


Sé una cosa o dos sobre personas tóxicas. Mi avatar no soy yo.

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Quiero hacer el reto de 30 canciones ^^ Lo voy a hacer sobre canciones que, sin que nos percatemos, hablan del abuso narcisista. Hilo 👇

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Cristina Sánchez Reposted

Nothing more lonely than being surrounded by people who make it clear they wish you didn't exist.

Cristina Sánchez Reposted

Choice feminism will circle you right back to sexism. Our choices are not made in a vacuum, they're influenced by conditioning and environment So if your are brought up in a misogynistic environment and conditioned to be less than men, guess what your choices will look like🙃

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Cristina Sánchez Reposted

Usted nunca va a terminar de saber las relaciones interpersonales ni la moral de nadie, salvo la de usted mismo. Porque alguien solo puede mostrarle lo que le conviene que usted vea.

Cristina Sánchez Reposted

Usted nunca va a conocer plenamente a su pareja

Cristina Sánchez Reposted

Antes de iniciar una relación con alguien de solicitar una valoración médica y laboratorios previos 😊 si se niega 🚩🚩🚩

Cristina Sánchez Reposted
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Cristina Sánchez Reposted

Gaslighting is like fighting a war where the enemy’s strategy is to convince you that the war isn’t actually happening.

Cristina Sánchez Reposted

When someone is being subjected to coercive control-based domestic abuse, the abuser is attacking everything - their identity, their psychological integrity, their sexual sense of themselves, their social connections, their economic position, their safety - everything.

Cristina Sánchez Reposted

and we know this because when we were 12, 14 and 16 grown men still pursued us with little or no regard for the law.

a legal adult is 18 years old, grown men date 18 year olds. if it were 16, grown men would date 16 year olds. if it were 14, grown men would date 14 year olds. if it were 12, grown men would date 12 year olds. these girls are absolutely right.

Cristina Sánchez Reposted

las fallas, los falleros, las fiestas de fallas, los casales falleros, la privatización de suelo público para las fallas, la privatización de la fiesta popular, los turistas en fallas, la pirotecnia abusiva de fallas... Pagaría el twitter blue sólo por ponerle 4000 caracteres

Cristina Sánchez Reposted

Stop oversharing – everyone is not your friend. Being private af about your personal life is top tier self-care.

Cristina Sánchez Reposted

if your intuition tells you something is off about a person or place - trust it and remove yourself immediately.

Cristina Sánchez Reposted

my professor scared me for a second

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Cristina Sánchez Reposted

Terapeuta sexual "no binaria" (claro, claro...), hablando sobre Bill Cosby: “debemos crear un mundo sexualmente positivo donde un hombre pueda pagar a mujeres para que sean drogadas y así poder cumplir con ellas el fetiche de tener sexo con personas inconscientes” 🤬🤬🤬

I feel sick. This is beyond atrocious. This ‘non-binary sex therapist’, speaking in a documentary about Bill Cosby, suggests we: “Create a sex positive world where someone is able to pay conscious women to come and be drugged for a fetish for having sex with unconscious people”

Cristina Sánchez Reposted

There are all kind of mothers including working mothers, stay at home mothers, single mothers, adoptive mothers, step mothers, mother-in-laws and none of them are men.

Cristina Sánchez Reposted

Mañana en Granada las abolicionistas nos manifestamos a las 19.00 en la plaza del Carmen.

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