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Joined April 2009
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conanshow's tweet image. 颱風天遛狗。靜待颱風。#海口
conanshow's tweet image. 颱風天遛狗。靜待颱風。#海口
conanshow's tweet image. 颱風天遛狗。靜待颱風。#海口

现在还能用的社工库机器人不多了。再mark一个社工库机器人。社工庫机器人: t.me/zhihu_bot?star…

mark。发现一个免费社工库。感觉数据不齐全,不过简单玩玩也可以了。 t.me/pingansgk_bot?…


conanshow's tweet image. 海南大学校友返校日活动。#海南海口
conanshow's tweet image. 海南大学校友返校日活动。#海南海口
conanshow's tweet image. 海南大学校友返校日活动。#海南海口

Be my dog or be my cat?

conanshow's tweet image. Be my dog or be my cat?


conanshow's tweet image. 海口也降温了呀。
conanshow's tweet image. 海口也降温了呀。
conanshow's tweet image. 海口也降温了呀。

Ps2: this Santa Claus solemnly declares that I have not reached strategic cooperation with anyone in China, so those who say that they cooperate with me are liars, do not believe him! PS:Those who speak Chinese are all liars.

In order to prevent individual girls from cheating, please attach leg photos of wearing socks. I will tuck presents into my socks after Christmas. Ps: had better be silk stockings, white or black silk is fine. The slippery stockings are better as a gift.

In order to prevent individual girls from cheating, please attach leg photos of wearing socks. I will tuck presents into my socks after Christmas. Ps: had better be silk stockings, white or black silk is fine. The slippery stockings are better as a gift.

Hello, everyone. I am Santa Claus. Due to the epidemic, I need to be quarantined for 14 days, so I have entered China ahead of time to prevent the wrong gifts in my socks. Please ask the girls in the group to take a picture of your socks and send them to me.

conanshow's tweet image. Hello, everyone. I am Santa Claus. Due to the epidemic, I need to be quarantined for 14 days, so I have entered China ahead of time to prevent the wrong gifts in my socks. Please ask the girls in the group to take a picture of your socks and send them to me.

Hello, everyone. I am Santa Claus. Due to the epidemic, I need to be quarantined for 14 days, so I have entered China ahead of time to prevent the wrong gifts in my socks. Please ask the girls in the group to take a picture of your socks and send them to me.

conanshow's tweet image. Hello, everyone. I am Santa Claus. Due to the epidemic, I need to be quarantined for 14 days, so I have entered China ahead of time to prevent the wrong gifts in my socks. Please ask the girls in the group to take a picture of your socks and send them to me.

煮饭大叔17公分 Reposted

Pakistan declined to attend democracy summit. A real iron brother!

zlj517's tweet image. Pakistan declined to attend democracy summit. A real iron brother!

久不写推……这一条写给开发出tweet4china的@tuoxie007 ……感谢你们这样的孜孜不倦的程序员,为我们不需要翻墙即可使用tweeter做出来的伟大贡献……谢谢……


哦也。完全搞定Mac OS X Lion系统。。。升级为8G DDR3内存。。。速度很给力啊~~~又可以开N个程序不用担心卡死了~~

折腾了好久。。终于把Mac OS X Lion系统搞定了。。不过看来是我电脑配置跟不上时代了。。。好卡好卡。。。准备升级内存。。。 http://twitpic.com/5thwri


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