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Brian Crink


software engineer. computer science. complex systems. home automation. desk setups. hockey player. michigander.

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Intended for the purpose of: provoking novel thought, providing useful tooling, developing software solutions, and general programming inquiry.

in other words - refactor and manage 100+ years of government technical debt.

Donald Trump’s plan to dismantle the Deep State. 1. “Immediately reissue my 2020 executive order, restoring the President's authority to remove rogue bureaucrats.” 2. “Clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus.” 3. “Totally reform…

starting a personal collection of STEM textbooks. a lot of space to fill. first on the shelves - “The Great Books of the Western World” 1-60 volume set. recommendations are appreciated 📚

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Personal collection of mathematical textbooks as part of pre-college fundamental education. For the last five years, I have used them for successfully preparing my mentees towards IMO, EGMO and other premier contest.

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good ui/ux design is: displaying only the necessary elements through each layer of abstraction shown at the right time for the user to generate the highest quality output possible by means of minimal interaction with the ui.

Elected voting is a crowded public square of people placing value judgements on which particular issue in an infinite range of issues should decide who pulls the levels of control over the infinite range of issues for a period of time. an ‘apples to oranges’ error. 🍏 != 🍊

when the term misinformation is spoken, remember it’s those who brought the term into the public square who also happen to be the tyrants of information through academic paywalls while shouting down at the ‘misinformed.’ who is really the misinformed here?

reading hack: scroll to the bottom of the article and skim read up to the top. helps retain the main points of the article in your memory by forcing you to read only the keywords. writers add filler and leave the useful information at the end anyway.

second-order multi-armed bandit. explore phase (scope): explore liberally, exploit conservatively. exploit phase (scale): explore conservatively, exploit liberally.

become an efficient multi-armed bandit. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-arm…

The worst form of equality is inequality cloaked under the noble guise of “equality” using collectivist means.

synthesized reasoning — when divergent minds converge on some insight at the same time

Hide-My-Email but for home address and phone number would resolve right to privacy to deter issues like scams, doxing, stalking. communication forwarded to your static home address. considering the public sector fails at innovation, a business idea for the private sector.

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meritocracy - selecting on the basis of one’s abilities injecting ideology into the hiring process is not meritocratic, but a form of gatekeeping silicon valley tilt tends to believe: the ends justify the means (equality of outcome) twitter.com/briancrink/sta…

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Brian Crink Reposted

Today we're open-sourcing the Authenticated Data eXperiment (ADX) to begin working in public. blueskyweb.xyz/blog/5-4-2022-…

the mutual information of two random variables is a measure of the mutual dependence between the two variables en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_in…

continuing to read: Designing Event Driven Systems - @benstopford assets.confluent.io/m/7a91acf41502…

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Brian Crink Reposted

Everything we think we know about the world is a model. Every word & every language is a model. All maps & statistics, books & databases, equations & computer models are models. So are the ways I picture the world in my head… None is or ever will be the real world. - D Meadows

The quality of one's model of the universe is measured by how well it matches the observable universe. The scientific method tests the models of the universe. Programming The Human Biocomputer — John C. Lilly

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