@blueCO2action Profile picture



Fixing carbon to address climate change through restoration of coastal and marine ecosystems. Saltmarsh, seagrass meadows, kelp forests, mangroves, coral reefs.

Joined July 2020
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The UK has the 12th longest coastline in the world. Saltmarshes, seagrass meadows and kelp forests are biodiversity hotspots and lock up carbon faster than woodland, yet all are in decline. #NetZero, meet #EcologicalRestoration.

bluecarbonaction Reposted

A large snakelocks anemone (Anemonia viridis) on a clear winter’s day in the Solent seagrass meadows at Bembridge Ledges! #marinebiology #seagrass #wildlifephotography #seagrassrestoration #marineecology #Winterwatch #anemone #BBCWildlifePOTD

tvmarinelife's tweet image. A large snakelocks anemone (Anemonia viridis) on a clear winter’s day in the Solent seagrass meadows at Bembridge Ledges! 

#marinebiology #seagrass #wildlifephotography #seagrassrestoration #marineecology #Winterwatch #anemone #BBCWildlifePOTD

Amazing job opportunity(s)!

⭐️JOB OPPORTUNITY⭐️ @PlymUni are NOW HIRING for Lecturers (x3) to join @PlymUniMI Marine Science Group🌊💦🐬🦈🐠🦀 For more INFO & to APPLY follow links👇 🌊Marine Conservation: jobs.ac.uk/job/CHO559/lec… 🌊Marine Biology: jobs.ac.uk/job/CHO575/lec… 🌊Biology: jobs.ac.uk/job/CHO571/lec…

BrendanGodley's tweet image. ⭐️JOB OPPORTUNITY⭐️

@PlymUni are NOW HIRING for Lecturers (x3) to join @PlymUniMI Marine Science Group🌊💦🐬🦈🐠🦀

For more INFO & to APPLY follow links👇
🌊Marine Conservation: jobs.ac.uk/job/CHO559/lec…
🌊Marine Biology: jobs.ac.uk/job/CHO575/lec…
🌊Biology: jobs.ac.uk/job/CHO571/lec…

bluecarbonaction Reposted

Action to improve the nation’s resilience is failing to keep pace with the impacts of a warming planet and increasing the climate risks facing the UK. That is the view of our latest comprehensive assessment – More: bit.ly/2TALNza #UKClimateRisk

bluecarbonaction Reposted

🦋 🐸 🦀 🐞 🐙 🐒 🐘 🦉 🌿🐨🐯🦁🐮🐵🐼🐻🐍🐪 Biodiversity is the web of life... RT if you agree🔁

bluecarbonaction Reposted

Day 19 🎁 Scientists in Australia have developed a technique that allows corals to become more heat resistant🔥 As global sea temperatures are on the rise, this technique could pave the way to saving our worlds beautiful coral reefs!🌏

ProjectSeagrass's tweet image. Day 19 🎁

Scientists in Australia have developed a technique that allows corals to become more heat resistant🔥

As global sea temperatures are on the rise, this technique could pave the way to saving our worlds beautiful coral reefs!🌏

bluecarbonaction Reposted

Food systems (the processes and infrastructures involved in feeding a population) account for up to 37% of all carbon emissions. 🌽 Ambitious commitments to food systems transformation are needed to achieve a 1.5C future. 💚 👉 unenvironment.org/news-and-stori… #WorldFoodDay | #COP26

bluecarbonaction Reposted

🌏 @TEDCountdown is about to begin 🎉 Don't miss a series of incredible speakers including activists, leaders, scientists, our own #COP26 President @AlokSharma_RDG and many more. #JointTheCountdown live on @YouTube: 👉 tedtalks.social/2Sycnow #COP26 | #ClimateAction

bluecarbonaction Reposted

The UK Marine Strategy is seeking to achieve Good Environmental Status in UK seas - have your say to help us achieve our vision for clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse seas. 🇬🇧💙🌊

🌊Have your say!🌊 We are seeking views on our proposal for updating the UK Marine Strategy Part Two: #MarineMonitoring. The consultation is aimed at all groups and individuals who use the sea. Help us achieving our vision for a healthy ocean: consult.defra.gov.uk/marine/updated…

DefraGovUK's tweet image. 🌊Have your say!🌊

We are seeking views on our proposal for updating the UK Marine Strategy Part Two: #MarineMonitoring. 

The consultation is aimed at all groups and individuals who use the sea. Help us achieving our vision for a healthy ocean: 


Seagrass meadows are a mission critical resource in addressing both climate and biodiversity crises. #BlueCarbon finance can turn the tide to protect and expand these vital habitats

Despite covering only 0.1% of the ocean floor, seagrasses store up to 18% of the world’s oceanic carbon. ⚠️⚠️But almost 30% of known seagrass areas worldwide have been lost. Learn more about the importance of protecting seagrass meadows: unep-wcmc.org/news/seagrass-… #ForNature

bluecarbonaction Reposted

👩🏽‍🎓Looking to advance your research career? We are seeking #PhDcandidates who want to do exciting research on #coastal or #freshwater #wetlands, #carbon, #ecosystemservices, #restoration, #farmdams and more... bluecarbonlab.org Pls share! 📨@PeterMacreadie #PhDjob #PhDchat

Disaster in Mauritius. Shipping is one of the most environmentally damaging human activities and needs to be cleaned up fast. Carbon is the key. bbc.co.uk/news/world-afr…

bluecarbonaction Reposted

We have a unique opportunity to make UK waters a safe haven for bluefin tuna. Please sign to help make this happen change.org/p/protect-thre… @DefraGovUK @ZacGoldsmith #BluefinTunaUK

As one of history's greatest seafaring nations why on Earth isn't the UK's @10DowningStreet PM a member of the High Level Panel for Sustainable Ocean Economy @oceanpanel?

Investment in the world's oceans would bring significant financial returns in addition to a sustainable future, new report says woi.economist.com/how-four-inves…

blueCO2action's tweet image. Investment in the world's oceans would bring significant financial returns in addition to a sustainable future, new report says woi.economist.com/how-four-inves…

bluecarbonaction Reposted

Coral reefs only take up about 1% of the ocean floor, but host an estimated 25% of all ocean species. This abundance of creatures that are dependent on a specific structure has given coral the nickname “the rainforest of the seas.” 🌺 ow.ly/EdR850AKFkY

bluecarbonaction Reposted

Many #marine species disperse over long distances through #ocean currents. Missed the webinar on #coral connectivity? Here is the recording: seyccat.org/mapping-coral-… #SDG14

SeyCCAT's tweet image. Many #marine species disperse over long distances through #ocean currents. Missed the webinar on #coral connectivity? Here is the recording: 



Kelp forests permanently sequester as much carbon annually as broadleaf woodland. The loss of kelp forests around the UK for decades is therefore akin to deforestation, yet it's not in the carbon inventory. #bluecarboncounts

blueCO2action's tweet image. Kelp forests permanently sequester as much carbon annually as broadleaf woodland. The loss of kelp forests around the UK for decades is therefore akin to deforestation, yet it's not in the carbon inventory. #bluecarboncounts

Brilliant to see this partnership delivering to address both the climate and biodiversity crises. More like this needed in the UK and internationally. @SkyZeroOfficial @wwf_uk @SwanseaUni

Despite covering only 0.1% of the ocean floor, seagrasses store up to 18% of the world’s oceanic carbon. ⚠️⚠️But almost 30% of known seagrass areas worldwide have been lost. Learn more about the importance of protecting seagrass meadows: unep-wcmc.org/news/seagrass-… #ForNature

bluecarbonaction Reposted

Using #seagrass to fight the climate emergency | WWF youtu.be/vezGsa7zihI via @YouTube

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