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Biber gazı zararsızdır (İNŞ) Polisin biber gazı sıktığı Birben’in beyin ölümü gerçekleşti bit.ly/KlV022 Allah belan versin!!

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Kürtaj karşıtı muhafazakarlar yaşayan bebekler isterler ki, onları ölü askerlere çevirebilsinler youtube.com/watch?v=WearmO…

Times of this "One Turk against the world" phenomenon! And ranked 7th on stage! No man that can't be the Turk! Outer factors.via @Bijwenist

Peace photos which are sent to D.bakir Prison are levied due to “evoking chauvinism and racism” via @Bijwenist

Nasır Ölçer,having detained for requesting sand and pebble which alleged on a cryptic talk on phone,is in jail for 8 months. bia @Bijwenist

RTE: "But We said that, Abortion is a terror territory" via @Bijwenist

What's worse is PM Erdoğan's "abortion" subject referring to Uludere than his incursion to women body.Talking behalf on them via @Bijwenist

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Aşağıda ki doğum kontrol yöntemleri ile yerleşim birimlerinizi eşleştiriniz... http://t.co/q87KBWM3

berxwedan_yaruk's tweet image. Aşağıda ki doğum kontrol yöntemleri ile yerleşim birimlerinizi eşleştiriniz... http://t.co/q87KBWM3

Socıo-Economic Development Rankıng of Provınces updated after 9 years. Colemerg and Muş are at last! What an updating! via @Bijwenist

The so-called "unconscious fascism", which means individually clutching tightly to the subject while everybody, rejects it. via @Bijwenist

P2 - The stone that Bilalê Habeş was burdening under is now on the top of Kurd.

P1- Verses are no use of AKP. if AKP has a faith and honesty, it shall visualizes with struggle and resistance! via @Bijwenist

Roboskî devastates all ideologies. Any doctrin would be inexplicable! "We believers" response is nothing but subtle facism! via @Bijwenist

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We are acting like the people around us who aren't oppressed. We are crossing bridges with dead ends. #Priorities

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@KarinDianeRyan imprisonment of #LeylaZana means the further imprisonment of millions of #Kurds in #Turkey, please help, its a humane thing


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