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wah, udah pada mikir negara aja. lah gw masih existential crisis co

*heavy inhale* damn

talk about priorities

ikut seneng liat temen temen banyak yang lulus kuliah, lulus jadi beban orang tua, sampe ada yang lulus dari status lajang. sementara, aku tak berusaha lulus dari kemumetan ini dulu aja ya cah 🙏

dane Reposted
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My gf thought she was a boy until she was 12. That's why, don't expose your kiddos to LGBTQ+ ideals or they may take further attempts.

lol, so did I. found some broken thermometers in the biology lab in some highschool. it was fun till I read the box and it said Mercurial Thermometer. I found out that it's use is no longer permitted the next hour.

bisa ga sih rangorang itu nikahannya abis aing gajian aja

yo kesel barang su

need a damn break


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