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Budiša Božić


@pokretslobodnih | @spschweiz

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@zoka5 jel te makar sramota?


Danas groblje, crkva, pa ručak. 👌🏻

Budiša Božić Reposted

Svi znamo ko je na vrhu piramide i na kome je najveća odgovornost. Znamo i da su ostavke neiskrene i da su hapšenja verovatno sportski ribolov. Ali sama činjenica da su primorani na takve poteze pokazuje da pritisak javnosti - građana, opozicije, aktivista, civilnog društva i…

Budiša Božić Reposted

I’m not here to fight about bathrooms. I’m here to fight for Delawareans and to bring down costs facing families.

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Budiša Božić Reposted

Руска агресија је имала огроман утицај на животну средину света. Последице рата су посебно видљиве у спаљеним шумама, напуштеним резерватима природе, пресушеним рекама и местима уништеним ракетама и бомбама. Безбедност животне средине је кључни компонент украјинске формуле мира.

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Budiša Božić Reposted

Ovo je Hidajet Ljajić zvani Hido. On je direktor Tehničke škole u Novom Pazaru. Dok su đaci bili na raspustu, Hido je danima i nedeljama radio na ulepšavanju svoje škole, zajedno sa građevinarima Oni su podigli zid oko dvorišta škole kako bi učenici bili sigurniji♥️♥️

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Budiša Božić Reposted


Budiša Božić Reposted

Simbolično je to što Žandarmerija i policija koji napadaju građane i poslanike, hapse decu a ne hapse odgovorne za zločin u kom je stradalo 15 ljudi upravo stoje POD NADSTREŠNICOM.

Budiša Božić Reposted

Uspeli smo da probijemo kordon i udjemo u sud. Traje blokada, zahtevamo puštanje svih uhapšenih aktivista i hapšenje odgovornih za stradanje ljudi u Novom Sadu.

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Budiša Božić Reposted

You are being dangerously manipulated by advocates of an aggressor power via irrational propagandistic fearmongering into supporting and justifying the occupation and extermination of a 40-million European nation under the false pretext of "saving the world from World War III."…

Budiša Božić Reposted

Gisèle Pelicot is on the stand today and asked about her decision to continue using the surname "Pelicot". Gisèle explains that when the trial began her children were "ashamed" of the name. She adds: "I have grandchildren who are called that. "Today, I want them to be proud of…

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Budiša Božić Reposted

.@FranceskAlbs perfectly deconstructs the bad faith question “does Israel have the right to exist?”

Budiša Božić Reposted

A bit of positive news from Ukraine here, with Zelensky indicating he will sign same-sex partnership bill into law.

Budiša Božić Reposted

The whole “story” of removing pronouns after the election is fake. It happened a long time ago after the SCOTUS Twitter ruling meant I had to add the “personal acct” disclosure. There weren’t enough chars so I had to swap the end. You can run the timeline to see for yourself.

Budiša Božić Reposted

Average Chinese reaction to 2nd Trump Presidency:

Budiša Božić Reposted

13. Originally titled “The very instant that we heard of Hitler's death on the radioand knew the war was over!” Dutch resistance members celebrate at the moment they heard of Adolf Hitler’s death over the radio, May 1945.

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Budiša Božić Reposted
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Budiša Božić Reposted

🇮🇱🇳🇱 Israeli hooligans who were rampaging around Amsterdam last night ended up beaten by a local Maroccan population What really happend? Thread 1/

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Budiša Božić Reposted

Relji su odredili 30 dana pritvora upravo! Da podsetim samo da 8 dana od masovnog ubistva na Ž stanici još niko nije odgovarao. Odgovaraju deca koja od države traže krivce. Ovde država i zvanično više ne postoji!

Budiša Božić Reposted

Lindner hat im Kabinett offenbar schon so oft mit Neuwahlen und dem Koalitionsende gedroht, dass die Sitzung am Mittwoch einfach weiterlief. Er musste unterbrechen und ansagen, dass er es diesmal ernst meint ("Ich habe gerade etwas Dramatisches gesagt!"). focus.de/politik/deutsc…

Budiša Božić Reposted

1943, Hartheim in Oberösterreich: Im Dorf stinkt es nach verbranntem Fleisch. Die Nazis vergasen hier zehntausende KZ-Häftlinge und Menschen mit Behinderungen. Fast alle Dorfbewohner:innen schauen weg – bis auf den christlich-sozial eingestellten Ignaz Schuhmann. 1/10

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