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Aditya Bandekar


Bacterial growth | Drug resistance | Mycobacteria | Neisseria | Postdoc @HarvardChanSPH @MCB_Harvard @yhgrad @fleshball labs | PhD @sassettilab @umassChan

Joined September 2009
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Aditya Bandekar Reposted

Check out this preprint by @bandekarac Using live imaging of N. gonorrhoeae, he figured out 1) why these cells grow as diplococci, and 2) why these bugs have sequentially perpendicular division planes: it arises from the cell having axial asymmetry! biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

Aditya Bandekar Reposted

Our correspondence on the 2022 outbreak of cholera in Haiti was just published in @NEJM As of Dec 7th, the outbreak had caused more than 13,000 suspected cases and 250 deaths. nejm.org/doi/full/10.10… Please read the excellent thread 🧵by @DrLouiseIvers: (1/6)

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Aditya Bandekar Reposted

My lab, together with Ethan Garner´s at Harvard MCB, are searching for a postdoc interested in tackling an exciting unsolved question: how bacteria synthesize their membranes? Check the ad below if you´re interested! linkedin.com/posts/frederic…

fredy_gueiros's tweet image. My lab, together with Ethan Garner´s at Harvard MCB, are searching for a postdoc interested in tackling an exciting unsolved question: how bacteria synthesize their membranes? Check the ad below if you´re interested!
<a style="text-decoration: none;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://t.co/bfd8PvGu7H">linkedin.com/posts/frederic…</a>

Aditya Bandekar Reposted

I am so delighted today to finally announce the passion project we've been working on. @ArrePath is combining the awesome power of bacteria, imaging, and machine learning to revolutionize drug discovery and find new antibiotics that society desperately needs.

Delighted to announce our $20 Million Seed Financing to advance our ML-based platform for the discovery of novel anti-infectives addressing antimicrobial resistance #AMR #AntibioticResistance #investment #biotech businesswire.com/news/home/2022…

Aditya Bandekar Reposted

I think there's perhaps been some confusion regarding transmissibility vs immune escape in Omicron. The apparent rapid increase in frequency of Omicron in Gauteng does not mean that Omicron is necessarily more intrinsically transmissible than Delta. 1/15

Awesome work @AVettiger! 👏👏Congratulations :)

Please find our latest work on cell envelope synthesis and remodeling during cell division in E. coli. biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

congratulations @siegristpalmore woohooo!!!👏

Please find our latest work on cell envelope synthesis and remodeling during cell division in E. coli. biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

Just awesome? Nope, super awesome.

Our lab has specific opening for a #postdoc interested in studying the regulation of cell growth and division in M. tuberculosis - part of a large program that fosters access to resources throughout the TB research community. Oh, and we just happen to be awesome! #postdocjobs

Aditya Bandekar Reposted

OUT NOW: CcrZ is a pneumococcal spatiotemporal cell cycle regulator that interacts with FtsZ and controls DNA replication by modulating the activity of DnaA. By Jan-Willem Veening & colleg. @ClementGallay @JWVeening Read it here: rdcu.be/ctIQO nature.com/articles/s4156…

Aditya Bandekar Reposted

New preprint from me, @jessica_j_zhang, @kevin23ma, and @yhgrad! Genome wide association studies define minimal set of loci for prediction of penicillin and tetracycline susceptibility in Neisseria gonorrhoeae biorxiv.org/content/10.110… 🧵👇: 1/10

Aditya Bandekar Reposted

How does living in close association with a eukaryotic host affect the (highly immunogenic) peptidoglycan in bacteria? Our new paper shows that loss of class A PBPs has allowed some host-associated bacteria to build minimal walls. Explainer thread below. journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mB…

Aditya Bandekar Reposted

Finally published: Our answer to the question: How do (bacterial) cells increase cell volume in coordination with cell mass during growth? @PNASNews pnas.org/content/118/32…

Aditya Bandekar Reposted

Our latest preprint is out, another fantastic collaboration with @CavaLab_MIMS! Lytic transglycosylases remove uncrosslinked PG strands, i.e. PG synthesis byproducts produced by endopeptidases. Lots of exciting new implications for PG turnover mechanisms! biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

Aditya Bandekar Reposted

New! From me and @yhgrad, @FrylingKyra, @cgtraverso, Ying Li, and Adam Wentworth: Identification of bile acid and fatty acid species as candidate rapidly bactericidal agents for topical treatment of #gonorrhoea bit.ly/3rckBU8 out now in JAC @BSACandJAC Thread: 👇(1/n)

Aditya Bandekar Reposted

Very proud to see it finally out! 🥰🦠🔬 go.nature.com/3vW4kEg Here is a thread with our major findings 1/9

Aditya Bandekar Reposted

Here I share one of my biggest accomplishments. I worked on this paper since day-1 in my PhD. I did everything from scratch! nature.com/articles/s4146…

Aditya Bandekar Reposted

We are looking for a postdoc and technician to join us! We have interests in protein homeostasis, microbial stress responses, and AAA+ proteases. We're committed to an inclusive lab and I strive to tailor mentoring for each person. Here's some of what we do...

Aditya Bandekar Reposted

A while ago, I mentioned words of advice and wisdom from my PhD supervisor and geneticist extraordinaire, Gerry Fink, that I wrote down and included as an appendix in my PhD thesis. Here's a short list of my favorites: "I suggest doing a Mendel on them."


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