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Luchmun Roy Avaran


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Luchmun Roy Avaran Reposted

Les whistleblowers sont la 1ère étape vers un vaccin contre la pandémie de corruption et d'affairisme qui dure depuis 50 ans! #DénonsZotTou

Luchmun Roy Avaran Reposted

L'espoir est en marche. Merci @BarackObama

#WahAzamWah The journalist should have some manners. When someone is speaking, do give him time to talk n conclude. Don't stop the person.

Luchmun Roy Avaran Reposted

#Mauritius #ICT Ministry needs a 101 course on #DNS. Saga of "vire mam" & mu.org's naked woman. hacklog.in/mauritius-ict-…

Luchmun Roy Avaran Reposted

so in #mauritius internet direct got .mu for free, and is charging astronomical amounts to the government. #internet.


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