@aulia_jorji Profile picture

Rahmatul Aulia Jorji


Welcome to My World (Moodyman, Silly Incident, Motivation and Dreams)

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Pedang bermata 2 👁️👁️

lagi fokus nyembuhin sariawan dg cara : 1. Pod ganti Rokok, krna pod bikin si sari awet 2. banyak minum air putih 3. obat oles, obat kumur Udah seminggu ga ilang2 krna ngepod terus, sekarang udah mulai berkurang, siap2 mukbang mi lagiii 🤤🤤🤤 trus sariawan lagi, looping lol

problem utamanya cuman 1, malas. penyakit nomor 1 orang indonesia. semoga ane bisa sembuh dr penyakit ini 🤲

tidak ada alasan utk tidak bersyukur bisa sampai di titik ini.

we don't to be afraid of our pain. We just need to decide, what we're gonna do with it.


I love you baby, youre irreplaceable (at my current income)

Cuma kuat mikirin diri sendiri, krna ternyata memikul tanggung jawab seberat itu.

Itulah kenapa perahu selalu karam sebelum belayar....krna tak tau kapan angin bertiup

Always remember, among the devils there are always angels, choose your own path !

On going Boss

This is the best advice I can give you for entering 2024: If you always do what you always did, You will always get what you always got. Likewise, If you want to get what you never got, Then you must do what you never did. Simple. You MUST strive for change.

You know, what the most dangerous thing? When you put your hope into someone

trying to find a truly leader, anyone else?

The only one who knows me better maybe some of my friends, besides that "Nobody". Focus on your positive energy 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️


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