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Backend dev for 🇬🇧 company || Digital Nomad 🌏 || Lonewolf 🐺

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Jadi ingat ini.

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Prilly dihujat karena bilang 'di negara ini byk cewek independen, tapi cowok mapan dikit'

Saya gunain AI baru sebatas berdiskusi mengenai konsep2 dalam software development. Misalkan kadang saya merasa CQRS terlalu overkill utk business logic sederhana. Namun, implementasi Use Case pattern di CA juga hampir mirip. Kode CQRS malah kelihatan lebih sederhana.

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Malah ngikut tim PRnya godot, hadeh… 🤦🏻‍♂️

Sorry, who are you?

Emang ribet hadapi HRD indo, banyak maunya

💚 capenya cek isi e-mail satu satu tuh gini. selalu ada aja kandidat super yg bkin emosi 😩 jngan cmn bilang mau lamar. mana file jg dipisah2 bgini hadeh

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Benar juga, wkwkwk

How the heck is the Nobel Prize in Physics going to people doing dot products? Sorry, I mean "machine learning". How is that even related to "Physics"?!

Pengalaman pribadi. Lulus S2 ketika aturan ini diterapkan. Harapan jadi dosen sirna, ngga mungkin bisa dapat NIDN. Tapi WAJIB mengabdi/mengajar di kampus krna jadi penerima beasiswa. Selesai masa pengabdian, cabut dari dunia kampus.

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Pola fikirnya harus diubah. Kalo gaji sebulan = gaji setahun di indo apa masih mikir permanen atau kontrak? Kerja sebulan terus dipecat, masih lebih baik daripada kerja setahun penuh tapi tabungan tetap 0. Dipecat? ya tinggal cari lagi.

Kalo remote ke company LN gini tuh permanent apa kontrak sih bang?

> stands out compared to other frameworks Symfony has all of the features.

🌊 The weekend will be here soon, so it's the perfect moment to try out Tempest's alpha release. Here's where Tempest stands out compared to other frameworks:

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Asli… hari ini kaget krna harddisk full. Ternyata biang keroknya adalah rust.

> cargo clean > Removed 291994 files, 236.0GiB total I don't ever want to see a javascript dev complain about node_modules again

Ternyata masih ada yg mikir kalo model itu “class”. Apa krna terpengaruh dg class Model di laravel? Dulu ada jawaban di stackoverflow yg sangat bagus ttg model, tpi sprtinya udah ngga ada lagi. Yg tersisa hanyalah perdebatan ini sitepoint.com/community/t/th…

You can make multiple controller with "Traits", but you can't make multiple models🤷‍♂️ Also there is a thing called service / use case layers, where you can your business logic if you don't want to make you controller bloated. Just don't put business logic in the model 😭😭

Hmm… tergantung sistem yg dibuat sih. Tpi rata2 hampir mirip konsepnya: wordpress plugins, vscode extensions, atau plugin dlm bentuk .dll Salah satu contoh plugin yg pernah saya buat github.com/asispts/xsinti…

You can make multiple controller with "Traits", but you can't make multiple models🤷‍♂️ Also there is a thing called service / use case layers, where you can your business logic if you don't want to make you controller bloated. Just don't put business logic in the model 😭😭

Ngga juga. Yg paling utama itu pajaknya sih. Kalo gaji masih UMR mah ngga akan stress

Hehehe sebenernya yang penting duitnya kan.. Alasan-alasan yg sering disuarakan buat kabur kan soal public transport, air quality, freedom of speech, politik dinasti, etc2. UAE sama atau bahkan lebih jelek lg 😂 Kalo kerja di Jakarta byk duitnya mungkin banyak yang stay juga 😛

Arch linux

Brand new laptop 💻 🖤 what’s the first thing you’re installing?

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Wajar sih. Tahun ini, bbrapa kali main ke kampus, emang kelihatan berbeda dg saat kita kuliah dulu. Kata teman seangkatan yg lagi lanjut kuliah, setelah covid emang agak berubah. Kualitas sprtinya agak menurun.

bakalan diprediksi Binus bakalan famous, apalagi bakalan bersaing dengan PTN, oh ya untuk ranking Computer Science Binus unggul ketimbang ITB

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A new version of tutorial hell, but worse. We get things done, but know/gain nothing.

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Anjing di Bali emang PR sih.

I left Bali early. The locals are the nicest people I've ever met, but I didn't meet a single person who hadn't gotten ill on arrival. I managed to miss the dreaded "Bali belly" but caught something else and was put straight on a drip when I got back to Dubai today. Not only…

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Boleh juga nih

Cheapest Hetzner machine vs cheapest Digital Ocean droplet they just don’t like your money 😃

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Setelah hampir 2 bulan di Bali, udah mulai bosan. Lebih betah tinggal di Bandung. Tapi apa daya, udah terlanjur sewa villa sampe akhir tahun. #digitalNomad

Enak. Nginep di Bobocabin cikole bengong doang sambil minum kopi sama liatin pohon. Ga matiin hape, cuma di-flightmode aja.

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Ada bbrapa yg udah gak ingat lagi: 1. Nokia 5300 xpress music 2. Nokia 5800 3. Nokia N93i 4. Huawei 5. Samsung Galaxy S3 mini 6. Samsung J2 prime 7. Nokia 6.1 plus 8. Oppo F9 pro 9. Blackshark 10. Iphone My favourite (nokia N93i)

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💚 i dare u, urutin siklus hp kalian dari awal punya sampe yg sekarang kek sender gini, inget ga?

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𝖆𝖕 Reposted

There has been a huge debate recently about the best approach for image background removal. Here's my attempt: - In-browser inference w/ 🤗 Transformers.js - WebGPU accelerated (fast!) - Costs $0 (no image hosting or server processing) - No data leaves your device (privacy!)

It works. It's fast. It's super high quality. It's cheap. And it scales. Available for purchase soon™️


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