asetkyoto's profile picture. 日々会話で使える表現をつぶやきます ☀
プライベート・オンラインレッスン  💯
学会プレゼン英語 / アカデミック英語 / TOEIC / IELTS 🔤



日々会話で使える表現をつぶやきます ☀ フォロー・いいねありがとうございます!👍 プライベート・オンラインレッスン 💯 学会プレゼン英語 / アカデミック英語 / TOEIC / IELTS 🔤 京都烏丸御池の英会話教室です😁

Joined July 2013
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😀 play like a violin 【意のままに操る、手玉に取る】 She knew exactly how to manipulate him, playing him like a violin to get what she wanted. He played the situation like a violin, turning everything to his advantage. She could play anyone like a violin with her charm. 😄

😀 put a hat on a hat 【必要のないものを加える、無駄に付け足す】 Including too many decorative elements in the design is like putting a hat on a hat. The team leader's detailed instructions on an already simple task felt like putting a hat on a hat. 😅

😀 come to terms with 【受け入れる、甘受する】 After months of counseling, she finally came to terms with the loss of her mother. The company had to come to terms with the new regulations. He's finally come to terms with the fact that he is never going to be an actor. 😄

😀 pick up on 【気付く】 They picked up on the mistake in the report. Even though the instructions were complex, he quickly picked up on the main idea and got to work. She didn't say anything directly, but I could tell she was upset; I picked up on her mood right away. 😄

😀 keep someone in line 【思い通りに操る、コントロールする】 The strict teacher always managed to keep her students in line with clear rules. His older brother kept him in line, making sure he didn't get into trouble. Parents often struggle to keep their kids in line. 😅

😀 what the doctor ordered 【まさに必要なもの】 After a long week, a relaxing weekend at the beach is just what the doctor ordered. A good night’s sleep is what the doctor ordered to help you feel better. A cold glass of beer is just what the doctor ordered on this hot day. 😄

😀 fall off the wagon 【禁酒を破る、悪い習慣を再び始める】 After months of sobriety, he sadly fell off the wagon and started drinking again. It's easy to fall off the wagon when you're stressed. She had been on a diet for weeks, but she fell off the wagon last weekend. 😅

😀 pull out all the stops 【全力を尽くす】 The team pulled out all the stops to finish the project on time. For their anniversary, they pulled out all the stops and planned a luxurious vacation to Hawaii. She pulled out all the stops to make her wedding perfect. 😄

😀 steer clear 【(問題などを)避ける、遠ざける】 It's best to steer clear of junk food if you want to stay healthy. The locals advised us to steer clear of that part of town after dark. His speech at the conference yesterday steered clear of controversial issues. 😄

😀 hit a snag 【困難に直面する、暗礁に乗り上げる】 We were making great progress on the project until we hit a snag. The construction hit a snag when they discovered unstable ground. Everything was on schedule until we hit a snag with the regulatory approvals. 😅

😀 talk out of school 【余計な事を言う、秘密をもらす】 He's known for talking out of school, so be careful what you share with him. I don't want to talk out of school, but I heard our boss might be leaving soon. He got in trouble for talking out of school about the meeting. 😅

😀 scratch the surface 【上っ面をなでる、表面的に論じる】 The seminar scratched the surface of the topic, leaving us wanting more information. His apology barely scratched the surface of the hurt he had caused. He just scratched the surface of what this technology can do. 😄

😀 rub his nose in 【ネチネチ言う、しつこくなじる】 She likes to rub his nose in every little error he makes. It's one thing to correct someone, but you don't need to rub their nose in their mistakes. When he makes a mistake at work his boss always rubs his nose in it. 😅

😀 overstep my bounds 【度を超す、出しゃばり過ぎる】 I didn't mean to overstep my bounds, but I felt it was important to share my opinion. I felt like I overstepped my bounds when I asked my boss about her personal life. Ann apologized for overstepping her bounds. 😅

😀 go out of your way 【(人のために)わざわざ~をする】 Ann really went out of her way to make sure we were comfortable during our stay. Don't go out of your way to pick me up; I can easily take the bus. Thanks for going out of your way to help me with this project. 😄

😀 hold down the fort 【留守を預かる】 While I'm away on vacation, can you hold down the fort at the office? Ann asked her assistant to hold down the fort while she attended the meeting. Taro is the best person to hold down the fort when the team leader is away. 😄

😀 don't fall for it 【騙されないで、信じないで】 He always tells the same old story to get sympathy, but don't fall for it. Don't fall for it when they say you can get rich with no effort. She pretended to be someone else online, but I warned him not to fall for it. 😅

😀 you made your bed, now lie in 【自業自得、自分が蒔いた種】 He chose to cheat on his exams, and now he's facing expulsion. It's unfortunate, but he made his bed, now he has to lie in it. She ignored all the warnings, so she made her bed, now she has to lie in it. 😅

😀 for what it's worth 【大したことじゃないんだけど、あくまで私の意見だけど】 For what it's worth, I would recommend getting a second opinion before making a decision. For what it's worth, I think your presentation was great. Here’s the name list, for what it’s worth. 😄

😀 sweep off my feet 【夢中にさせる、心を奪う】 The breathtaking view from the mountaintop swept us off our feet, leaving us speechless. The romantic surprise dinner he planned for our anniversary truly swept me off my feet. Her kind words swept me off my feet. 😄


Something went wrong.

Something went wrong.