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forever grateful for my true friend

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being surrounded by your family and loved ones is a true blessing

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إنما الإنسان آثر ، فأحسنوا مأثركم فكلنا نرحل ويبقى الأثر أما الطيب أو السيء

في الأمر رحمة و عوض الله أحنُّ و أبقى

anything removed from your life will ultimately be replaced with better

GOD knows when you’re ready for it. Have faith in his timing

يارب إن نمت طويلاً فاغفرلي ونقني من ذنوبي واجعل قبري روضة من رياض الجنة وسخرلي من يدعو لي بعد موتي

doing whatever to make my lil self happy bc i deserve it

you have no idea what’s going on behind a persons smile. but wouldn’t it be nice if we were just kind to each other regardless

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استغفرالله ل روضه حتى يغفر لها و حتى يرضى عنها ويرضيها ، فيظلها في ظله يوم لا ظل إلا ظله

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اللهم اجعلني خير صديقة لها بعد موتها واجعلني اذكرها دائماً و لا ألهو عن دعائي لها

اللهم ارحم من ماتت بالدنيا ولم تمت في قلوبنا اللهم ارحم صديقتي روضة واغفر لها وارزقها الفسحه والضياء وآنسها بالقرب إليك

سنرحل يوماً تاركين كل هذا فأجعله اللهم رحيلاً يرضيك

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I’m perfect

being surrounded by your family and loved ones is a true blessing

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when albert camus said "the sea; i didn't lose myself in it. i found myself in it" and when sylvia plath said "if i lived by the sea i would never be really sad" and when van gogh said "the heart of man is very much like the sea" and when homer said "I'd rather die at sea"

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love sweet unexpected messages

fascinated by people who are always themselves and aren't afraid to stand out

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Me and my pretty brown eyes against the world

Kindness is beauty


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