@anddev_badvice Profile picture

Bad Android Advice


Any resemblance of our tweets to good or bad advice, conference talk titles, articles and real developers is purely coincidental. This is a parody account.

Joined January 2017
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Hello #dcbln22! Can't wait for Friday when the real #androiddev content lands. Shout out to the community for keeping the #badvice spirit alive!

anddev_badvice's tweet image. Hello #dcbln22! Can't wait for Friday when the real #androiddev content lands. Shout out to the community for keeping the #badvice spirit alive!

Now that 11 weeks of Android 11 is almost over, I'm looking forward to next year's 12 months of Android 12.

Reactive app architecture is so last year. In your next app go with proactive architecture: compute the next state directly in the UI layer using a ML model trained on your users, hoping the lower layers of the app will catch up eventually.

Google: announces reactive UI toolkit based on Kotlin Developers who adopted Flutter:

anddev_badvice's tweet image. Google: announces reactive UI toolkit based on Kotlin
Developers who adopted Flutter:

Are you at @droidconUK tomorrow? Come see our show at the afterparty! #droidconuk

Here's some bad advice: don't come to #io18 , miss the Justice concert

anddev_badvice's tweet image. Here's some bad advice: don't come to #io18 , miss the Justice concert

You know what #io18 is really missing? Bad Android Advice Office Hours. Hope you're all having fun though :)

Drink a shot of vodka every time you hear the word "fun" when someone talks about Kotlin. #badConferenceAfterpartyIdeas

What do 17 Google Developers Experts for Android think about Kotlin? amp.gs/Cq2B #kotlin

See you in an hour for the AMA!

It's happening! AMA next Monday, 19th Feb, 11am PT here: reddit.com/r/androiddev/c…

Hey #androiddev, should we do an AMA? 🤔

You don't have to raise targetSdkVersion if you don't update your app! #androidbadvice

Heads up #AndroidDev, in late 2018 the Google #PlayConsole will require new apps and app updates to target a recent Android API level. More details & timings → goo.gl/gvwsdA

GooglePlayBiz's tweet image. Heads up #AndroidDev, in late 2018 the Google #PlayConsole will require new apps and app updates to target a recent Android API level. 

More details & timings → goo.gl/gvwsdA

A big thank you to all the speakers who took up the challenge and special thanks to @chethaase for being our impromptu moderator!

Heads up #AndroidDev, in late 2018 the Google #PlayConsole will require new apps and app updates to target a recent Android API level. More details & timings → goo.gl/gvwsdA

GooglePlayBiz's tweet image. Heads up #AndroidDev, in late 2018 the Google #PlayConsole will require new apps and app updates to target a recent Android API level. 

More details & timings → goo.gl/gvwsdA

Hey #droidconUK, who's coming to our session at 4pm to hear some #androidBadvice? 😝😝😝 @droidconUK

Who do you think you'll see on stage at our session @droidconUK this week? Preparations (i.e.: choosing the slide template) in full swing

Sorry we've been quiet lately, but we all know you've been badly waiting for this... See you at @DroidconUK ...or will we? 🙈 #androidBadvice

anddev_badvice's tweet image. Sorry we've been quiet lately, but we all know you've been badly waiting for this... See you at @DroidconUK ...or will we? 🙈 #androidBadvice

Spice up open source projects with unsolicited contributions. Maintainers love them. /cc @crafty github.com/nickbutcher/pl…

anddev_badvice's tweet image. Spice up open source projects with unsolicited contributions. Maintainers love them. /cc @crafty

Security by obscurity is the best kind of security. It's like playing hard to get. #androidBadvice

anddev_badvice's tweet image. Security by obscurity is the best kind of security. It's like playing hard to get. #androidBadvice


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